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Please join the...

... Black Allied Law Students Association (*BALSA*), Coalition on Law and
Representation (*CoLR*), Law Students for Human Rights (*LSHR*), Law
Students for Justice in Palestine (*LSJP*), Middle Eastern Law Students
Association (*MELSA*), Muslim Law Students Association (*MLSA*), National
Lawyers Guild (*NLG*), South Asia Law Students Association (*SALSA*), NYU
Students for Justice in Palestine (*SJP*), and the NYU Law Women of Color
Collective (*WoCC*)...

...for a Silent Vigil for Palestinians...

TODAY, Friday, November 6


Vanderbilt Courtyard, 40 Washington Square South

The purpose of the vigil is to stand in solidarity with oppressed
populations in Palestine which are currently living under occupation. In
addition to the hundreds of children and thousands of Palestinian civilians who
were killed last year
we are horrified by recent extra-judicial killings on Palestinian land
<https://www.amnesty.org/en/documents/mde15/2529/2015/en/>. We hope that
the vigil will shed light on human suffering in Palestine.

We will hold signs, remember those who have been killed by Israeli forces,
and oppose the culture of dehumanization of Palestinians and the silencing
of minority voices which have become pervasive on US campuses
<https://ccrjustice.org/the-palestine-exception> and in our own community.

Please join us! In solidarity!
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