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I am reading "Big Farms make big flu" by Rob Wallace. I Have just gotten
50+ pages into it, but already what is so very clear is this: While we can
and must develop demands that protect workers and limit the spread of
Covid-19, that is only dealing with the symptoms of the crisis. Wallace
explains part of the basis of it: factory farming. (The other half of the
basis, as I understand it, is habitat loss and the breakup of habitat into
segments. This seems to be the main reason why the viruses in bats, which
are hosts to many viruses, have spread to other animals and to humans.) So,
millions of sane people look to figures like Anthony Fauci or NY governor
Andrew Cuomo as the leaders who will save us.

In fact, the difference between them and lunatics like Trump and the Wall
St. Journal editors is similar to the difference between Herbert Hoover and
FDR. Hoover represented the wing of the capitalist class that just wanted
to let 'er rip - let the economy go into free fall and eventually recover,
whereas FDR understood that some reforms were necessary. Neither wing was
able to prevent the total disaster to both the human species and the planet
of WW II.

So today, one wing wants to allow Covid 19 to spread unchecked in the
lunatic belief that it will burn itself, while it has a low mortality rate.
(The percentage of those who get it and die may be low, but the total
number would be disastrously high, and made worse by the massive lack of
hospital beds and medical equipment.) The other wing understands that some
checks are necessary. Ultimately, however, a new virus will emerge or an
older one will evolve that will have the same transmission rate as the
present coronavirus but something closer to a 50% mortality rate. It seems
to me that that is inevitable unless we end factory farming and habitat
destruction. In other words, unless capitalism is overthrown. (After I
finish reading Wallace's book I will write more on this.)

John Reimann
*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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