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Today's Times has a letter by Larry Hanley, president of the Amalgamated
Transit Union, picking up on a Times article about the impact of public
sector job declines on Black workers, and pointing out the need for more
spending in the sector to help those workers as well as to stop the creep
of unsafe private contracting firms into the field. (Letter at bottom.)

Some of the older members on the list may remember Larry from the days when
he was head of the Staten Island ATU Local and one of the city's "usual
suspects" of lower-level officials who would be at all the right events.

Larry's letter has to be placed in the context of ATU's conservative
response to the murder of Eric Garner. His line was very clearly "we're all
workers, let's get past disagreements about who killed who and why, and
let's spend more for all workers." To that end he quotes Kareem
Abdul-Jabbar's letter stressing class over race.

In contrast the DC-area ATU Local issued a clear statement of support for
protesters against police killings:

I'm disturbed but not surprised by Larry's line, given his base in Staten
Island. Like teacher and nurse unions, transit unions have widely diverse
compositions given their presence in a variety of cities and towns of
varying makeup -- although this didn't stop New York's nurse union, NYSNA,
from issuing very clear progressive statements on the issue.

So Larry's letter today is IMO another opportunity to continue the
discussion about how labor, from rank-and-file up through the officialdom,
is dealing with today's racial issues.

Larry's letter in today's Times:
The Opinion Pages <http://www.nytimes.com/pages/opinion/index.html>
Public-Sector Job Decline
JUNE 2, 2015

*To the Editor:*
“Public-Sector Jobs Vanish, Hitting Blacks Hard” (“A Shifting Middle”
series, front page, May 25)
reported the adverse effects of public-sector divestment on
African-Americans. But the article did not mention outsourcing as a leading
reason so many vital public-sector jobs are vanishing.
Public demand and support for transit are up, with voters passing
tax-raising referendums 70 percent of the time since 2000. And studies show
that the best way to provide safe, reliable and affordable transit is
through the public sector. Yet Congress continues to starve transit.
Lacking resources, local policy makers outsource vital services to private
contractors, who typically provide service that is less safe, less reliable
and, ultimately, more expensive. Transit workers receive less training,
lower wages and fewer benefits. To survive, many need food, housing and
other forms of public assistance.
If policy makers’ preference for outsourcing continues, the acute
hopelessness, civil unrest and chaos many African-Americans now experience
will probably spread.
Amalgamated Transit Union International
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