Re: [Marxism] Fidel Castro fascinated by book on Bilderberg Club

2010-08-20 Thread Midhurst14
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == There is a Bilderberg Group, they meet annually, Dennis Healy was it George Anthony

Re: [Marxism] Fidel Castro fascinated by book on Bilderberg Club

2010-08-20 Thread Midhurst14
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == The ruling class are capable of anything Sareyavo Pearl Harbour Kennedy's assassinat

Re: [Marxism] Trotsky's Jewish Question

2010-08-20 Thread Andrew Pollack
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == By coincidence yesterday I got my copy of the book Grover refers to. It's every bit

Re: [Marxism] Fidel Castro fascinated by book on Bilderberg Club

2010-08-20 Thread Louis Proyect
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == David Thorstad wrote: > I presume this theory that the Frankfurt School conspir

Re: [Marxism] Trotsky's Jewish Question

2010-08-20 Thread Midhurst14
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Good Good Good George Anthony Send

[Marxism] Clicktivism is ruining leftist activism

2010-08-20 Thread David Thorstad
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Here's another window on the thread "Can Technology Bring on a World Wide Social Re

[Marxism] Clicktivism is ruining leftist activism

2010-08-20 Thread David Thorstad
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Here's another window on the thread "Can Technology Bring on a World Wide Social R

Re: [Marxism] Clicktivism is ruining leftist activism

2010-08-20 Thread Thomas Bias
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == A placard at a recent anti-Prop 8 demonstration (don't know what city) said, "Thre

[Marxism] Subprime Education Scam: Guaranteed by Government

2010-08-20 Thread michael perelman
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == At a time when the country is getting ready to gut Social Security, Pensions, …. He