Speculative recovery sows seeds of an even greater economic crash
By Barry Grey
10 November 2009

Last Wednesday the Federal Reserve Board’s policy-making Federal 
Open Market Committee announced it was holding its target federal 
funds interest rate to the current level of zero to 0.25 percent. 
While that decision had been widely anticipated, there was much 
speculation that the Fed would employ language in its announcement 
to indicate that it would soon begin to raise interest rates.

In the event, the Fed repeated its recent mantra of keeping 
interest rates “exceptionally low” for “an extended period of 
time.” A change in the formula from “an extended period of time” 
to “for some time” would have been seen as a signal that the Fed 
was preparing to shift from its policy of near-zero rates.

The Fed’s signal of no early end to its extraordinarily cheap 
credit policy sent stock markets surging. Since the Fed 
announcement last Wednesday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has 
surged hundreds of points, despite Friday’s dire Labor Department 
report of an official US jobless rate of 10.2 percent. On Monday, 
the Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 205 points, closing at a 
13-month high of 10,227.

This most recent surge in stock prices continued a trend that has 
emerged in recent weeks: stocks moved in close and inverse 
relation to the value of the dollar on world currency markets. 
Last Wednesday, the dollar fell the most in relation to the euro 
in two months. That trend continued Monday, with the dollar once 
again falling to $1.50 versus the euro.

Also in keeping with recent trends, oil, gold and other 
commodities surged as stocks rose and the dollar fell. The 
connection between soaring asset prices and a falling dollar 
points to the extraordinarily speculative and unstable character 
of what is being called a global recovery from the financial 
crisis and recession of 2008 and early 2009.

It is a recovery in corporate and bank profits and financial 
assets that is richly benefitting the most powerful financial 
interests in the US and around the world, even as joblessness and 
poverty soar and basic production remains mired in the deepest 
slump since the Great Depression. It is a “recovery” that is 
driven almost entirely by a surge in speculation in risky assets 
fuelled by the US government’s policy of virtually free credit for 
the major banks and a vast buildup of debt.

As CNBC commentator Charles Gasparino put it in a November 6 
column in the Wall Street Journal, “Interest rates are close to 
zero; in effect the Federal Reserve is subsidizing the risk-taking 
and bond trading that has allowed Goldman Sachs to produce 
billions in profits and that infamous $16 billion bonus pool 
(analysts say it could grow as high as $20 billion). The Treasury 
has lent banks money, guaranteed Wall Street’s debt and declared 
every firm to be a commercial bank… They are all ‘too big to fail’ 
and so free to trade as they please—on the taxpayer dime.”

The Wall Street Journal reported Monday that Morgan Stanley has 
concluded that the amount of cash circulating in the global 
economy is at its highest level by far since the firm began 
tracking it 30 years ago. This vast wave of hot money can find no 
profitable outlet in production, so it is being pumped into stock 
markets and speculation on commodity prices and currencies. The 
result is a colossal global asset bubble that must sooner or later 

Here are some indications of the scale of this bubble:

“Since its March 9 low, the Standard & Poor’s 500 stock index has 
gained more than 50 percent. An index of stocks for 22 “emerging 
market” countries (including Brazil, China and India) has doubled 
from its recent low. Oil, now around $80 a barrel, has increased 
150 percent from its recent low of $31. Gold is near an all-time 
high, around $1,090 an ounce.” (Robert J. Samuelson in Monday’s 
Washington Post).

A central component of this policy is a tacit encouragement of the 
ongoing fall in the dollar. Ultimately, the decline in the dollar 
is dictated by the objective decline in the global position of 
American capitalism. The financial crash and ensuing global 
recession, which began in the US, have further eroded global 
confidence in the dollar as it has diminished the weight of US 
gross domestic product relative to global gross domestic product.

This is a profoundly destabilizing factor in the world economy, 
which renders any recovery fragile and ultimately unsustainable. 
Increasingly, the unique role of the US dollar as the world’s 
major reserve and trading currency is being called into question. 
This was highlighted last Tuesday when India’s central bank 
announced it had purchased 200 metric tons of gold on offer by the 
International Monetary Fund.

In making the announcement, India’s finance minister said that the 
US and European economies had “collapsed.” The Indian purchase 
came a few months after China, which holds an estimated $1.4 
trillion in dollar assets, revealed that it had almost doubled its 
gold reserves in the past six years.

The buildup of gold reserves is part of a growing move by creditor 
nations away from the dollar. As BusinessWeek reported last month: 
“Instead of buying just dollars for their foreign exchange 
reserves, they’re diversifying into other currencies. The 
countries that reveal the composition of their reserve holdings 
put 63 percent of their new reserves into euros and yen in the 
second quarter, according to an analysis by Barclays Capital.”

The mid- to long-term implications of the erosion in the world 
position of the dollar are massive. A strong and stable dollar was 
the bedrock of the international capitalist monetary system that 
was established at the Bretton Woods conference at the end of 
World War II. The dollar has served for nearly seven decades as 
the world’s supreme trading and reserve currency. The unique and 
privileged position of the dollar—which brought with it immense 
advantages for US capital—was based on the unchallenged economic 
supremacy of the US at the end of the war. That, in turn, was 
founded on the global dominance of American industry.

The long-term decline of American capitalism, reflected most 
importantly in the decay of its industrial base, resulted in the 
massive global imbalances between debtor nations—first and 
foremost, the US—and creditor nations, such as China, Japan and 
Germany, which led to the implosion of the world economy a year 
ago. It is the transformation of the US from the industrial 
powerhouse of the world to the center of global financial 
speculation and parasitism that, in the final analysis, underlies 
the erosion in the international position of the dollar.

This underscores the reckless character of US monetary policy. The 
United States is flirting with the disaster of a precipitous fall 
in the dollar, which has already declined 15 percent since its 
recent high last March against the currencies of Washington’s 
major trading counterparts. A full-blown dollar crisis would wreak 
havoc on the US and world economy.

It would compel the US to sharply and precipitously raise interest 
rates, plunging the US economy into a depression and bankrupting 
major financial institutions. It would choke off the US market for 
export-oriented countries such as China, Japan and Germany and 
spark competitive currency devaluations and trade war measures.

Nevertheless, to gain a short-term trading advantage against its 
capitalist rivals and provide the liquidity to enable major US 
banks to reap bumper profits and award their executives and 
traders record bonuses, the US, through the Fed, has carried out 
the electronic equivalent of printing a trillion dollars and 
flooding the financial markets with cheap credit. It has done so 
knowing that the dollar will continue to fall, making US exports 
cheaper and foreign imports more expensive.

The short-term effect is an intensification of global monetary and 
trade tensions. Last Friday the US levied duties against Chinese 
steel pipe imports. This followed Washington’s imposition two 
months ago of tariffs against Chinese tire imports. China 
responded Friday by denouncing “abusive protectionism” and 
pledging to retaliate against US autos and other exports to the 
Chinese market.

The provocative character of the US move on Friday is underscored 
by the fact that it precedes by less than a week President Barack 
Obama’s trip to Asia.

Meanwhile, New York University economist Nouriel Roubini is 
sounding the alarm over an alternate scenario for the dollar that 
would likewise have disastrous economic consequences. Roubini, who 
came to prominence by predicting in 2006 the impending collapse of 
the housing bubble and financial meltdown, is warning of a 
short-term rally in the dollar that will result in a collapse of 
the global asset bubble.

In a November 1 Financial Times column entitled “Mother of All 
Carry Trades Faces an Inevitable Bust,” Roubini writes: “Since 
March there has been a massive rally in all sorts of risky 
assets—equities, oil, energy and commodity prices… and an even 
bigger rally in emerging market asset classes (their stocks, bonds 
and currencies).”

He contends that at the heart of this rally is “the weakness of 
the US dollar, driven by the mother of all carry trades.” The 
latter term refers to the speculative practice of borrowing cash 
in currencies with low interest rates and investing the cash in 
assets denominated in more expensive currencies.

The US dollar has supplanted the yen as the major funding currency 
in carry trades. Speculators are borrowing dollars in highly 
leveraged trades, betting that the dollar will decline further, 
and using their resulting profits to invest in risky assets around 
the world. As a result, speculators are effectively borrowing 
dollars not at the zero interest rate set by the Fed, but at very 
negative rates—as low as minus 10 or 20 percent on an annualized 

As a result, Roubini states, carry trade investors have been 
realizing total returns in the 50-70 percent range since March.

As the “reckless” US policy is forcing other countries to keep 
their interest rates artificially low, “the carry trade bubble 
will get worse… the perfectly correlated bubble across all global 
asset classes gets bigger by the day.”

One day the bubble will burst, as economic factors or an external 
event—such as a military attack on Iran—lead the dollar to 
“reverse and suddenly appreciate.” Roubini concludes: “But the 
longer and bigger the carry trades and the larger the asset 
bubble, the bigger will be the ensuing asset bubble crash. The Fed 
and other policymakers seem unaware of the monster bubble they are 
creating. The longer they remain blind, the harder the markets 
will fall.”

Roubini is not alone. Last week, both the International Monetary 
Fund and the World Bank issued warnings of growing asset bubbles, 
fueled by hot money, in the Asian economies.

To the extent that the US and international bourgeoisie has a 
strategy to deal with the massive growth of debt that is funding 
the speculative “recovery,” it is to impose the full cost of the 
crisis on the working class. Last month, the Organization for 
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) declared that spending 
on health, education and other social programs will have to be cut 
as countries deal with the high levels of debt incurred in the 
financial crisis and recession.

The OECD was seconded last week by the International Monetary 
Fund, which issued a statement calling for a decade of sweeping 
spending cuts and tax increases across the industrialized world. 
The IMF specifically urged a sharp reduction in the growth of 
spending for health care and pensions.

For its part, the Obama administration is committed to the same 
policy, pledging to reduce government and business costs for 
health care as a prelude to a regime of fiscal austerity. Its goal 
is to reduce the consumption of the working class, using mass 
unemployment to drive down wages, boost labor productivity, and 
turn the US into a cheap labor center for exports to the world market.

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