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December 3, 2009 -- On behalf of the Socialist Alliance of Australia, we
would like to send warm, socialist greetings to the United Socialist
Party of Venezuela (PSUV), thanking you once again for the invitation to
participate in the International Meeting of Left Parties held in
Caracas, November 19-21, 2009. The outcomes of this event are already
having an important impact on the world, particularly among left and
progressive forces, and we are grateful that we could be part of it and
contribute to its success in our own modest way...

We also understand that the left today is confronted with the greatest
crisis that capitalism has ever seen; a crisis which goes far beyond a
simple financial crisis. The economic crisis, the environmental crisis,
the food crisis, the energy and natural resources crisis represent in
their totality a structural crisis of the capitalist system itself.

More than ever, the response of the left must be global and must be for
the replacement of this system, which threatens to plunge the world into
barbarism. The only other alternative today is socialism, which must be
built internationally.

For this reason, we greatly welcome the outcomes of the International
Meeting of Left Parties, which your party convened, and reaffirm our
support for the final declaration.


On November 29, 2009 the central committee of Socialist Worker-New
Zealand unanimously decided:

● The Caracas decision to move towards forming a Fifth International is
of "world historic importance". Such a Fifth International will "boost
the legitimacy and organisation of socialism around the world" at a time
when global capitalism in terminal decay threatens the existence of
humanity through climate change, mass poverty and imperial conflicts.

● Consequently, Socialist Worker-New Zealand will do all we can to
support the April 2010 global left meeting to form a Fifth International.

● Socialist Worker-New Zealand is looking to send two delegates to the
April conference. We are launching an appeal to raise funds for their
return air fares to Caracas.

● Socialist Worker-New Zealand will be talking with other socialists in
New Zealand about the April 2010 global left conference. Our aim is to
cooperate with all those who, like us, support the formation of a Fifth

● Socialist Worker-New Zealand will be urging socialists in other lands,
including the International Socialist Tendency to which we are
affiliated, to likewise back the formation of a Fifth International.

Full statements at http://links.org.au/node/1387

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