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Nestor Gorojovsky (nmg...@gmail.com) wrote on 2010-09-24 at 12:03:22 in  
about [Marxism] Lueko's soul,  ablaze:
> El 23/09/2010 06:28 p.m., Lüko Willms escribió:
> > The whole "Old Testament" is the triumph of private property and
> > patriarchy over the old, more egalitarian society.
> You are damning your soul for Eternity, Lûko!!!!!!

  I'm not the first to say that. I just copied. 

  I should have added that the antique Greek tragedies reflect the pains of 
the transition from matriarchal egalitarianism to patriarchy, debating e.g. if 
is a crime for a man to kill his mother or to kill his father. If the lineage 
the mothers womb or the fathers semen is more important and a closer tie 
making it a worse crime to kill a close kin. 

  The Old Testament of the Christian Bible has another legend exemplifying 
another element in this transition, the replacement of the sacrifice of the 
son by the sacrifice of an animal, which required the existence of animals as 
private property and animals being large enough as being considered 
valuable enough to replace a human life. The latter was missing to the 
Azteks and the Mayas in the northern part of central America, which made  
them impossible to pass over to a full fledged patriarchal society. 

Lüko Willms
Frankfurt, Germany
visit http://www.mlwerke.de Marx, Engels, Luxemburg, Lenin, Trotzki in 

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