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>  Blowback, Somali Style
> by Charles V. Peña <http://original.antiwar.com/author/pena/>, August 13,
> 2010
> clip -
> But what isn’t being talked about much is America’s role in the rise of
> al-Shabaab.  In 2006, al-Shabaab was a fundamentalist Islamic movement with
> very little support among Somalis.  But then the United States decided to
> back secular warlords (not the Somali government) against Islamic groups for
> control of Mogadishu – despite being warned by the transitional government
> that such a decision was shortsighted and dangerous.  They were right.  U.S.
> interference (ostensibly to prevent Somalia from becoming an al-Qaeda safe
> haven) made al-Shabaab more popular as a symbol of resistance against a
> foreign power (kind of how bin Laden and al-Qaeda gained traction amongst
> Muslims in the first place).  Because that was such a good idea, the United
> States then decided to support the invasion of Somalia by neighboring
> Ethiopia in December 2006 – which made al-Shabaab even more popular (hey, if
> you don’t get it right the first time, just try again!)
> But it doesn’t end there.  What was originally a relatively small local
> threat in Somalia is now formally allied with al-Qaeda (in a case of déjà vu
> all over again, this is exactly what happened in Iraq when Abu Musab
> al-Zarqawi decided that his al Tawhid group should join forces with
> al-Qaeda).  Operationally, the al-Shabaab group probably isn’t a direct
> terrorist threat to America (just as al-Tawhid in Iraq wasn’t).  But, once
> again, U.S. policy (and it’s worth noting that the Obama administration’s
> policy towards Somalia isn’t significantly different than the Bush
> administration’s – so much for change we can believe in), has allowed
> al-Qaeda to use the suffering of seven million Somalis to advance the
> politics and language of radical Islam and global *jihad*.  We continue to
> help write the narrative that the United States is a foreign infidel
> invading and occupying Muslim countries.  Blowback in spades.
> full -  http://original.antiwar.com/pena/2010/08/12/blowback-somali-style/
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