In America’s healthcare reform debate, there is no greater whipping boy than 
the National Health Service (NHS,) Britain’s healthcare system. The NHS is 
being used as an example of the “failed Socialist” model of healthcare. FOX 
host Glenn Beck took some shots at the NHS, apparently forgetting his own 
nightmare journey when he received subpar care in an American hospital. 
Republican Senator Chuck Grassley told a radio station last week that 
“countries that have government-run health care” would not have given Senator 
Edward Kennedy, who suffers from a brain tumor, the same kind of care as in the 
U.S. because he is too old. And most impressively, FOX News’s treasure, Neil 
Cavuto, even claimed universal healthcare is a terrorism recruitment tool. 

Conservative hosts and politicians alike must have been overcome with joy when 
they finally secured a Conservative British politician who was willing to bad 
mouth the NHS, which remains extraordinarily popular in Britain. Daniel Hannan 
previously sat as an Independent after having been expelled from the European 
People’s Party. Hannan is most famous for opposing the European Union and 
praising Iceland’s “economic miracle” prior to the country’s titanic crash in 
2008. It was probably that stellar resume that first caught the eye of FOX 
News, which couldn’t secure the microphone to his lapel fast enough.

These kinds of attacks on the NHS aren’t unusual or new, but what is unique is 
the British response this time to the mad attacks on their healthcare system. 
British citizens — particularly tech savvy residents — are fighting back on 
Twitter. The top trending topics after Hannan’s FOX declarations included 
#welovetheNHS and #NHS. British Twitterers boasted ‘I Heart NHS’ avatars 
designed by Twibbon, a group that spreads awareness about causes by overlaying 
an image onto supporters’ Twitter profile avatars. The Twibbon team says during 
our interview that the response to the ‘I Heart NHS’ design has been 
“magnificent.” They add, “In the UK, people often talk about political apathy 
and show concern over disappointing voting turnouts. What everyone has shown 
over the last few days is a testament to the power of social networking, and 
Twitter in particular, not only to unite people in solidarity, but also to 
initiate global conversations
 at grassroots level.”

Graham Linehan, the man behind the #welovetheNHS tag, tells me he was motivated 
by FOX’s irresponsible coverage of the healthcare reform debate.

    I think that the way that FOX News has been raising the temperature of the 
health care debate over there is one of the most reckless and cynical things I 
have ever seen. It’s just mindblowing to me. It’s also infruriating the way 
they change their coverage of the UK according to their needs. So when they 
wanted a partner to legitimise an illegal and ill-thought-out war, the UK was 
the best country in the world. Now that their needs are different, they attack 
the UK as ‘Socialist’. It’s breathtaking, how little shame they have.

What really inspired Linehan to do something was when Investor’s Business Daily 
published an editorial claiming Steven Hawking “wouldn’t have a chance in the 
U.K., where the National Health Service would say the life of this brilliant 
man, because of his physical handicaps, is essentially worthless.” Of course, 
the claim is absurd as Hawking stated later, pointing out that he would not be 
alive today if it hadn’t been for the NHS.

Where other British citizens saw gross lies, exaggerations, and frustrating 
half-truths, Linehan saw a “golden opportunity to kickstart a campaign to 
redress the balance a little bit.” He linked to the Hawking article and the 
#welovetheNHS hashtag was born. “I thought it might pick up steam once people 
saw the ridiculousness of that story, but I had no idea how big it would 
become. Three days now, and we’re still trending,” says Linehan.

The online response to the We Love the NHS campaign is overwhelming. “NHS Saved 
my life as a 19 year old naive lad!” writes one Brit. ”Saved my life, saved my 
wife’s life, beat my brother-in-law’s cancer and embodies a compassionate 
civilized ideal #welovetheNHS,” writes one more. The movement now includes some 
of Britain’s most powerful leaders, including Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who 
Tweeted “NHS often makes the difference between pain and comfort, despair and 
hope, life and death. Thanks for always being there #welovetheNHS.”

British newspapers, politicians, and medics are rushing into the debate partly 
to defend the NHS and partly to gain some kind of political leverage. Labor 
hoped to embarrass David Cameron by challenging him to disown the Hannan 
comments, which he did. “Nobody should be in any doubt, for the Conservative 
Party, the NHS is the number one priority,” said Cameron to Sky News.

The British newspaper, Daily Mirror, has started calling America ”the land of 
the fee” because of the way patients are forced to pay for medical services. 
Senior figures in British healthcare are also frustrated at the portrayal of 
the NHS. Mike Hobday, of Macmillan Cancer Support, stated: “We are really 
furious at the way in which the NHS, which is the best healthcare system 
around, is being denigrated by a group of people who clearly don’t have the 
first idea about how it works.”

“The NHS does a damn fine job,” says president of the UK Faculty of Public 
Health, Dr. Alan Maryon-Davis. “These claims are complete and utter rubbish…The 
horrific thing about the American system is that there are tens of millions of 
people without health insurance. We spend less on health in terms of GDP than 
America but if you look at health indices, especially for life expectancy, we 
have better figures than they do in America,” he adds.

The nexus of the Internet makes the dissemination of disinformation difficult. 
Such interconnectedness means the lie of “dangerous Socialized medicine” cannot 
sustain itself when Brits of all ages and backgrounds shout to the rafters that 
they love the NHS, and are here to defend it.


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