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By *Farooq Tariq*

January 21, 2010 -- The political perspectives of the Labour Party 
Pakistan (LPP) have been put to the test several times in a rapidly 
changing political situation. From day one we opposed General 
Musharraf's military dictatorship. We oppose both US imperialism and 
religious fanaticism, while some feel they must support one side or the 

Almost all of the present LPP leadership, including women leaders, were 
jailed under the Musharraf regime for demanding democratic rights or 
taking part in the struggle for workers’ and peasants’ rights. The LLP 
has worked to maintain its political space and refused to be driven 

Unlike the traditional left parties, who set up organisations controlled 
by the party, since its inception the LPP has put special emphasis on 
helping to develop independent social, labour and peasant organisations 
and other social movements. For example, there is no trade union wing of 
LPP. Instead we support the development of the National Trade Union 
Federation, formed in 1998, and also aided the Pakistan Workers 
Confederation from its beginning in 1994.

Full article at http://links.org.au/node/1473

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