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China, buoyed by its pool of cheap and exploited labour force from the
backward provinces, is getting to enjoy its new found role as Capitalist
After offering to "help" pay for Greece's debt in exchange for Greek
shipyards and naval facilities, they now come to Sarkozy.
Contracts galore are showering. AREVA is to build a mega
Plutonium-recyclcing plant in China (16 000 tons ! No less !), Airbus is
to deliver 40 planes,  French space and satellite technology is to be
transfered, French insurance giant Matmut/MMA is to fuse with its
Chinese counterpart (thus creating the largest insurance firm in the
China acknowledges France for what it is : a minor nation, whose
credibility rests entirely on its military technology engineering (with
civilian by-products) and nuclear physicists. And its export of
prestigious wines that "might" interest the fabled "400 million strong
newly emerging middle-class in China".
As China presses its political advantage as a net purveyor of goods (net
creditor in exchanges), it will soon clash with the US of A, IMHO.
Sarkozy met the Dalai Lama last year, but he has made it clear that he
will not do so in the future.
With this new visit to France, China is really making a political
point : a) China is not to be criticized for its "human rights record"
and b) China now has the clout to "actively participate in world
Actually, the situation is the same as under Mao, except that he had the
capital (slave workers), but was excluded from participation in the
Soviet-led CARECOM.
Isn't it good that Capitalism has finally prevailed and that China is
now able to use its work force to actually dictate its wishes ?
Actually, Mao would have been overjoyed with recent happenings. Mao
always wanted to propel China in the limelight ("An A-bomb ! that's what
we need ! I don't car how much it costs, but I want an A-bomb!" he
famously shrieked in 1953).  
Actually, China has the best of both worlds. A 500 million work force
AND the experience of widely "skewing" numbers and "withholding
information". Under Mao, 75% of the population was dying of hunger
(reduced to eating the bark off trees) and yet outsiders saw nothing but
"an inspiring Socialist experience where the Chinese working class
really imposes dictatorship of the proletariat."

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