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Special announcement from the Marxists Internet Archive:
 The Story of the Paris Commune of 1871,
As Told by Those Who Fought for It.
Communards: The Story of the Paris Commune of 1871, As Told by those Who
Fought for It. Texts selected, edited, and translated by Mitchell Abidor.
Published by Marxists Internet Archive Publications, 2010.

In this unique collection of texts translated into English for the first
time, we hear the genuine voices of the Paris Commune of 1871. Every
Communard drew something different from the experience of the Commune, and
"Communards" allows all of them to have their say. "If socialism wasn't born
of the Commune, it is from the Commune that dates that portion of
international revolution that no longer wants to give battle in a city in
order to be surrounded and crushed, but which instead wants, at the head of
the proletarians of each and every country, to attack national and
international reaction and put an end to the capitalist regime."

Edouard Vaillant, a member of the Paris Commune. Documents include the
records of stormy meetings of the Commune deciding on the execution of
hostages, minutes of meetings of the First International throughout the
siege as well as reminiscences of participants written down 25 years after
the event. Much of this would be new to French-speakers; it is all new for
those who do not normally read in the French language. No history of the
Commune may be written in the future without reference to "Communards."

Communards is available only through Erythrós Press and Media and all
proceeds go towards the operations of the Marxists Internet Archive.

About the author:  Mitchell Abidor is a writer and translator living in
Brooklyn, New York. He has translated hundreds of texts from French,
Spanish, Italian, Esperanto and Portugese into English, including works by
writers as diverse as Jean-Paul Sartre, Antonio Gramsci, the Argentine poet
Juan Gelman, and Maximilien Robespierre. Mitchell is also a regular
columnist for the French magazine Le Grognard. He is married to the artist
Joan Levinson.He is also the author of The Great Anger: Ultra-Revolutionary
Writing in France from the Atheist Priest to the Bonnot
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