
Go to Pittsburgh, Young Man, and Defy Your Empire
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Posted on Aug 31, 2009
AP / Jack Dempsey

Shock troops and “free speech zones” have become the norm at mass
gatherings in modern America.

By Chris Hedges

Globalization and unfettered capitalism have been swept into the
history books along with the open-market theory of the 1920s, the
experiments of fascism, communism and the New Deal. It is time for a
new economic and political paradigm. It is time for a new language to
address our reality. The voices of change, those who speak in powerful
and yet unfamiliar words, will cry out Sept. 25 and 26 in Pittsburgh
when protesters from around the country gather to defy the heads of
state, bankers and finance ministers from the world’s 22 largest
economies who are convening for a meeting of the G-20. If we heed
these dissident voices we have a future. If we do not we will commit
collective suicide.

The international power elites will go to Pittsburgh to preach the
mantra that globalization is inevitable and eternal. They will discuss
a corpse as if it was living. They will urge us to remain in suspended
animation and place our trust in the inept bankers and politicians who
orchestrated the crisis. This is the usual tactic of bankrupt elites
clinging to power. They denigrate and push to the margins the
realists—none of whom will be inside their security perimeters—who
give words to our disintegration and demand a new, unfamiliar course.
The powerful discredit dissent and protest. But human history, as
Erich Fromm wrote, always begins anew with disobedience. This
disobedience is the first step toward freedom. It makes possible the
recovery of reason.

The longer we speak in the language of global capitalism, the longer
we utter platitudes about the free market—even as we funnel hundreds
of billions of taxpayer dollars into the accounts of large
corporations—the longer we live in a state of collective
self-delusion. Our power elite, who profess to hate government and
government involvement in the free market, who claim they are the
defenders of competition and individualism, have been stealing
hundreds of billions of dollars of our money to nationalize mismanaged
corporations and save them from bankruptcy. We hear angry and confused
citizens, their minds warped by hate talk radio and television,
condemn socialized medicine although we have become, at least for
corporations, the most socialized nation on Earth. The schizophrenia
between what we profess and what we actually embrace has rendered us
incapable of confronting reality. The longer we speak in the old
language of markets, capitalism, free trade and globalization the
longer the entities that created this collapse will cannibalize the

What are we now? What do we believe? What economic model explains the
irrationality of looting the U.S. Treasury to permit speculators at
Goldman Sachs to make obscene profits? How can Barack Obama’s chief
economic adviser, Lawrence Summers, tout a “jobless recovery”? How
much longer can we believe the fantasy that global markets will
replace nation states and that economics will permit us to create a
utopian world where we will all share the same happy goals? When will
we denounce the lie that globalization fosters democracy,
enlightenment, worldwide prosperity and stability? When we will we
realize that unfettered global trade and corporate profit are the
bitter enemies of freedom and the common good?

Corporations are pushing through legislation in the United States that
will force us to buy defective, for-profit health insurance, a plan
that will expand corporate monopolies and profits at our expense and
leave tens of millions without adequate care. Corporations are
blocking all attempts to move to renewable and sustainable energy to
protect the staggering profits of the oil, natural gas and coal
industries. Corporations are plunging us deeper and deeper as a nation
into debt to feed the permanent war economy and swell the military
budget, which consumes half of all discretionary spending.
Corporations use lobbyists and campaign contributions to maintain
arcane tax codes that offer them tax havens and tax evasions.
Corporations are draining the treasury while the working class sheds
jobs, sees homes foreclosed and struggles to survive in a new and
terrifying global serfdom. This has been the awful price of

Protests will begin several days before the summit. Many of the
activities are being coordinated by Pittsburgh’s Thomas Merton Center.
There will be a march Sept. 25 for anyone who, as Jessica Benner of
the center’s Antiwar Committee stated, “has lost a job, a home, a
loved one to war, lost value to a retirement plan, gotten sick from
environmental pollution, or lived without adequate healthcare, water,
or food. … ” There will be at least three tent cities, in addition to
a Music Camp beginning Sept. 18 that will be situated at the South
Side Riverfront Park near 18th Street. Unemployed workers will set up
one tent city at the Monumental Baptist Church on Sept. 20 and five
days later will march on the Convention Center. The encampment and the
march are being organized by the Bail Out the People Movement. The
Institute for Policy Studies, The Nation magazine, the United
Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, Pittsburgh United
and other organizations will host events including a panel on
corporate globalization featuring former World Bank President Joseph
Stiglitz, along with a “People’s Tribunal.” There will be a religious
procession calling for social justice and a concert organized by
Students for a Democratic Society.

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