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  Why Do Voters Hate Incumbents?

Glenn Greenwald - salon.com

> <
> http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/glenn_greenwald/2010/05/19/establishment/index.html
> >
> After last night's election 
> results<http://elections.firedoglake.com/2010/05/19/primary-upsets-anti-establishment-triple-play/>,
> there's no doubt that the electorate has contempt for Washington incumbents
> and the political establishment.  Virtually every media account dutifully
> recites the same storyline -- that these results reflect an "anti-incumbent"
> mood -- but virtually none of these stories examines the reasons for that
> "mood."  Why do Americans, seemingly regardless of party affiliation or
> geographic location, despise the political establishment?
> One reason why media mavens seem reluctant, even unable, to grapple with
> this question is because it so plainly falls outside their familiar,
> comfortable narratives.  Contrary to efforts earlier this year to depict the
> problem as one aimed at Democratic incumbents due to the unpopular health
> care plan and the growing "tea party" movement, Republican voters -- as
> demonstrated in Florida, Utah, and last night in Kentucky -- clearly hate
> their own party's leadership at least as much as the animosity directed
> toward Democratic incumbents.  The trend is plainly trans-partisan and
> trans-ideological, and the establishment political media has a very
> difficult time understanding or explaining dynamics about which that is
> true.
> So extreme is the anger toward the political establishment that not even
> popular politicians have any impact on it.  Despite the fact that he remains
> quite popular with his state's GOP voters, Mitch McConnell's handpicked
> candidate was slaughtered in Kentucky by a highly unconventional and
> establishment-scorned Rand Paul.  And just as Massachusetts voters did in
> December when President Obama traveled there to plead with them to elect
> Martha Coakley, only for them to reject those pleas and send Scott Brown to
> the Senate, Democratic voters completely ignored Obama's vigorous support
> for incumbent Senators Arlen Specter and Blanche Lincoln, sending the former
> to ignominious defeat after 30 years, and forcing the latter into an
> extremely difficult 
> run-off<http://twitter.com/chucktodd/status/14291143713>with Bill Halter (who 
> was recruited
> by Accountability 
> Now<http://firedoglake.com/2010/03/01/accountability-now-announces-first-candidate-bill-halter/>,
> an organization I helped found and continue to run).
> It makes perfect sense that the country loathes the political
> establishment.  Just look at its rancid fruits over the past decade:  a
> devastating war justified by weapons that did not exist; a financial crisis
> that our Nation's Genuises failed to detect and which its elites caused with
> lawless and piggish greed; elections that seem increasingly irrelevant in
> terms of how the Government functions; grotesquely lavish rewards for the
> worst 
> culprits<http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/apr/20/goldman-sachs-profits-bonuses>juxtaposed
>  with miserable unemployment and serious risks of having basic
> entitlements (Social Security) cut for ordinary Americans; and a Congress
> that continues to be owned, right out in the 
> open<http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37220292/ns/business-washington_post/>,
> by the very interests that have caused so much damage.  The political
> establishment is rotten to its core, and the only thing that's surprising is
> that the citizenry's contempt isn't even more intense than it is.  But
> precisely because that dynamic so clearly transcends Left/Right or
> Democratic/GOP dichotomies, little effort is expended to understand or
> explain it.
> One of the most interesting and important questions is whether this
> trans-partisan, anti-establishment anger can bring about some cracks in the
> rigid partisan polarization that serves, more than anything else, to
> preserve the status quo.  Consider, for instance, that Rand Paul's campaign
> included some serious questioning of the war in Afghanistan and that Sen.
> Tom Coburn recently threatened to 
> filibuster<http://www.paltalknewsnetwork.com/node/3057>the $33.5 billion war 
> supplemental spending bill if it isn't independently
> paid for, combined with the Democrats' realization that they will be forced
> on their own to fund the 
> endless<http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/98305-dems-prepare-to-pass-war-spending-measure-without-gop-support>--
>  and increasingly
> ugly<http://chris-floyd.com/articles/1-latest-news/1970-creeping-terror-the-new-american-way-of-war-.html>--
>  war in Afghanistan.  Or consider the odd spectacle that numerous
> Republicans <http://twitter.com/AdamSerwer/status/14250477932> are
> beginning to take the 
> lead<http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2010/05/republican_darrell_issa_champion_of_miranda_rights.php>in
> questioning<http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/feb/04/permission-needed-to-kill-american-terrorists/>and
> even<http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=YmEyNmVmYjMyZWVhODQzYjVkNGQ5NDZiZDcxMmFjODc>
>  objecting
> to<http://balkin.blogspot.com/2010/05/glen-beck-as-civil-libertarian-and-joe.html>the
>  Obama administration's efforts to further whittle away civil liberties
> and vest itself with greater unchecked power.
> It's possible that the pervasive, trans-partisan anger can muddle, even
> re-arrange, the rigid partisan divisions that prevent citizens of similar
> interests from working together against the factions that control
> Washington.  One saw that in the alliance between progressives (such as Alan
> Grayson and Bernie Sanders) and conservatives (such as Ron Paul) that led to
> the enactment of the Audit the Fed bill, as well as in similar alliances
> during the Bush years in opposition to the assaults on the Constitution
> (such as the one forged by Al Gore and Bob 
> Barr<http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/16/AR2006011600779.html>).
> This isn't Broderian bipartisanship where the two parties' mix their
> policies into a muddled, watered-down mish-mash of nothing for its own
> sake.  It's far more substantive than that:  a refusal to allow ordinary
> citizens to be divided (and thus weakened) along artificial tribal lines,
> thereby enabling the establishment factions that feed at the Washington
> trough to maintain their same power in unchallenged form.
> I'm not particularly optimistic about this possibility.  The reality is
> that the American Right is still the movement of Rush Limbaugh, Fox News,
> and Sarah Palin, really no different -- despite its "tea
> party" re-branding -- than what spawned the Bush/Cheney extremism of the
> last decade.  And even Rand Paul, who some are trying to depict as a
> crusading civil libertarian and anti-war advocate, ran on a 
> platform<http://www.randpaul2010.com/issues/h-p/national-defense/>(as Scott 
> Brown did) of opposing the closing of Guantanamo, the use of
> civilian trials for accused Terrorists, and the granting of visas to people
> from numerous Muslim countries.  Many of the key ignorant and primitive
> orthodoxies of modern conservatism are as strong as ever.  Other than some
> (extremely hypocritical and opportunistic) war questioning and some anger
> over the growing corporate-Government overlap, I have a very hard time
> looking at the American Right and finding much cause for optimism about any
> of what's taking place over there.
> Still, it's hard not to be encouraged by the disgust which the citizenry
> clearly has for the political establishment regardless of party, as well as
> the resulting (and increasing) fear and confusion on the part of the
> political class.  This sort of citizenry anger can re-arrange political
> alignments and explode political orthodoxies in fundamental and
> unpredictable ways.  There is, to be sure, a risk in that, but there is a
> far greater risk in simply allowing the destructive political status quo to
> linger in unchanged form for much longer.
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