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>From new Cuba blog "Cuba's Socialist Renewal"
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Here is another letter from Granma. In my last post I said that a
non-dogmatic application of the Marxist method is a striking feature of many
such contributions. This is a good example. Here, the author responds to a
previous contribution to the debate which I'll also translate and post so
that readers can get a feel for the two poles in this debate.

The letter below is representative of what could be called the critical
renovationist current within the Cuban Revolution, which represents one pole
in the national debate on the future of Cuba's socialist project. It is
almost certainly written by a Communist Party member judging by its
political clarity, but by no means all party members are part of this
current of opinion (see Cuba's Socialist
p.10). It is interesting to note that the authors of such letters who are
Communist Party members rarely identify themselves as such and that their
official positions, if any, are only made explicit if this is relevant to
the content of their contribution.

Granma letter: The objective and subjective factors

April 16,2010

Translation: Marce Cameron

I write this on the basis of the abundant opinions of compañeros that with
the best intentions, and with the logical fear of losing our conquests and
our socialism, propose subjective solutions, of proven ineffectiveness
during the past 20 years, to objective problems which confront our economy
and our socialism. I single out in particular the opinion of F. Hernandez
Gonzalez: "We are affected more by subjective than objective questions”,
published on April 9, in which a direct reference is made to the balance of
these factors in the economy.

Firstly, I would like to explain that the objective factors are independent
of people's consciousness, and the the subjective are inherent in the
objective. I remember my political economy university professor stressing
that in every moment the objective factors condition the subjective ones, in
other words, “man thinks as he lives and does not live as he thinks”. This
can be understood better with a practical example of a pharmacy or a workers
dining hall that does not work as it should, or with a cadre that doesn't
insist that they do what they are supposed to, or with the corrupt inspector
who doesn't do his job; if we see these people superficially we see only the
subjective factors inherent in each of them, their lack of morality and
discipline, and we can form the impression that the solution involves only
being demanding and asserting control, but then we would be ignoring the
fact that all these people (and above all those that we must call to
account) are affected by the same objective factors that condition their
behaviour (the salary does not cover all necessities, the high prices, the
house in which they live may be crumbling, the kids need shoes for school,

In the present conditions we are all prone to fall into these weaknesses, or
to not say anything when confronted with them, and those of us who do not
feel the same way often swim against the current, and we do so because the
objective factors favour precisely the contrary of what we propose and would
wish for ourselves. This may not be a problem if this situation had not
extended for the past 20 years [of the post-Soviet Special Period]. During
all this time things have got worse, the negative phenomena have become more
mainstream and people's consciousness has become accustomed to harbouring
ideas contrary to the principles of socialism. Egotism has spread like the
marabu weed [a thorny tropical shrub that infests vast areas of Cuba's
agricultural lands], and every day political work or appeals to conscience
lose more force. In other words, the objective factors are imposing
themselves for the worse with regard to our social process, and only by
confronting them directly will we save our socialism.

Only our state can influence these factors, counting on our support. The
state must stimulate the productive forces, free itself from excessive
responsibilities that it cannot bear [and] eliminate egalitarianism, among
other things. None of these things will be able to be achieved solely with
slogans and appeals to conscience. We must invigorate our economic model to
save our social model.

We are not talking about concessions to capitalism. The state must preserve
its ownership of the fundamental means of production, the basic premise of
socialism, but it must also allow an opening to the cooperative sector and
small-scale private initiative. It will have to restore the role of wages,
reduce [inflated] payrolls (which could be used to augment salaries), it
must better distribute the productive forces towards the more productive
sectors. Only afterwards, with the advances flowing from these measures,
must it carry out a just redistribution via subsidies, such as the ration
book, to those who really need them. After this the monetary duality [i.e.
the existence of two currencies in Cuba] can be diminished gradually, along
with economic growth (which is how it will be eliminated, and not by decree
as some believe).

Lastly, speaking once again of subjective factors, I ask all the compañeros
who fear these changes to support our government in this decisive epoch of
our history. The committed revolutionaries must all be in the same trench
and abandon all the fears and reservations which can be used to divide us
and put the brakes on our process. The Revolution needs all of us.

A. Orama Munero
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