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Hackers hit Tunisian websites
Amid anti-government protests, attack blocks access to stock exchange
and ministry of foreign relations.

Evan Hill Last Modified: 03 Jan 2011 17:06 GMT

Tunisian protesters planned a rare national strike for Monday as
protests entered their 18th day [AFP]

Online activists have attacked and at least momentarily disabled
several Tunisian government websites in the latest act of protest
against the country's embattled leadership.

As of Monday afternoon, local time, at least eight websites had been
affected, including those for the president, prime minister, ministry
of industry, ministry of foreign affairs, and the stock exchange.

The attack, which began on Sunday night, coincided with a national
strike, planned to take place on Monday, that organisers said would be
the biggest popular event of its size since Zine El Abidine Ben Ali
assumed the presidency.

The strike comes on the day that school students return from their holiday.

Ben Ali's administration has tightly restricted the flow of
information out of Tunisia since widespread protests began on December
17, following 26-year-old Mohamed Bouazizi's suicide attempt. But
reports of civil disobedience and police action filtered out on
Twitter on Monday, with some users reporting the use of tear gas by
security forces.

The loosely organised hacker group Anonymous claimed responsibility
for the cyber attack, which it called "Operation Tunisia", an apparent
arm of the group's broader effort - termed "Operation Payback" - aimed
at taking retribution against governments and businesses viewed as
hostile to the similarly amorphous document-leaking group WikiLeaks.

Operation Tunisia came just days after a similar attack on Zimbabwean
government websites;in that case, Anonymous said that it had targeted
Robert Mugabe's administration for actions taken by officials to
suppress information about the thousands of secret US diplomatic
cables that WikiLeaks has released.

But on Monday, Anonymous and its followers sought to tie their cyber
attack to the ongoing protests and social unrest in Tunisia, not
WikiLeaks. In a manifesto reportedly posted on the prime minister's
website but later removed, the group said that it was "enraged" at the
Tunisian government's behaviour, and that Ben Ali's administration had
"unilaterally declared war on free speech, democracy, and even [its]
own people".

"Anonymous is willing to help the Tunisian people in this fight
against oppression," the statement said. "Cyber attacks will persist
until the Tunisian government respects all Tunisian citizens' right to
free speech and information and ceases the censoring of the internet".

Denial-of-service attack

Sami ben Gharbia, a Tunisian exile living in Europe who monitors
online censorship in the country, told Al Jazeera that Monday's
sabotage was the first time he had seen an international group like
Anonymous target a Tunisian website.

Gharbia said he had witnessed the hackers planning the
"denial-of-service" attack in a chat room arranged by Anonymous and
that it appeared Tunisian users were among those participating.

The protests in Tunisia, which have led to three confirmed deaths,
have garnered comparatively little attention in the Western media,
which closely followed developments in 2009 in Iran when hundreds of
thousands of citizens protested presidential election results.

Western governments have been similarly reticent about voicing
criticism of Ben Ali's government, or its response to the protests.
The country is a popular European tourist destination and has been
praised by the World Bank for its financial policies.

But many within the country say the image of calm and success belies
simmering resentments and unemployment rates that reach 25 per cent in
certain areas.

High-level corruption

In private, the US has said that Tunisia's corruption - a contributor
to the unemployment driving many to protest - is getting worse.

A 2008 diplomatic cable signed by Robert Godec, the US ambassador, and
released by WikiLeaks in December describes both low- and high-level
corruption in the country that scares away foreign and domestic

"Whether it's cash, services, land, property, or yes, even your yacht,
President Ben Ali's family is rumoured to covet it and reportedly gets
what it wants," the cable states.

Gharbia said Monday's cyber attack probably will not affect protests
"on the ground" but may serve as a "good story" to attract the
mainstream media and embolden online activists in Tunisia.

"It might give a sense of solidarity to Tunisian bloggers who have
been witnessing censorship for years now, to see such actions
targeting the main body of the censorship," he said.

Source: Al Jazeera

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