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NY Times, December 12, 2009
New Boss, Same as the Old Boss: Howard Zinn Traces Social Change

In Howard Zinn’s new documentary, “The People Speak,” the actress Marisa
Tomei is shown reading aloud an essay by a worker at a 19th-century
textile mill in Lowell, Mass., who led other women to protest wage
reductions and demand better working conditions.

In the woman’s description of oppression at the hands of a company, Mr.
Zinn, the left-wing historian, hears both past and present tense. “She
says the same thing of the 1830s that we hear today — that you are at the
mercy of your employer,” Mr. Zinn said in an interview.

So much of Mr. Zinn’s career, reflected in his “People’s History of the
United States” book, has been about the struggle for social change. With
“The People Speak,” which has its premiere on the History Channel on
Sunday (at 8 p.m., Eastern and Pacific times; 7, Central time), he is
having a raft of celebrities recount that effort through the words of
people who were there. “It’s the people’s point of view of history,” said
the actor Josh Brolin, an executive producer of the film.

Onstage and on camera, Benjamin Bratt reads a farmer’s grievances during
Shays’s Rebellion. Matt Damon reads from “The Grapes of Wrath.” Morgan
Freeman reads from “The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro,” a speech by
Frederick Douglass.

“Once you get the actors reading these things, it really brings the
history alive,” Mr. Damon said in an interview last month, amid a college
tour to promote the film.

Some of the readings, like Ms. Tomei’s, are especially resonant now, given
the perceptible anger in the country about banks and bailouts. “That’s by
design,” Mr. Damon said. “What they were up against oftentimes are exactly
the same things we’re up against now.”

One scene in the two-hour film tells the story of an organizer who
encouraged tenants to protest evictions during the Great Depression.
Similarly, in the current economic downturn, “We’ve seen examples of
people rebelling,” Mr. Zinn, 87, said. “We’ve seen tenants rebelling
against foreclosures. This is the kind of thing that happened in a much
larger scale in the 1930s.”

He added, “If this spreads — the idea of fighting foreclosures, the idea
of workers going on strike — it’s possible this can lead into a larger
movement for economic justice.”

The film most closely correlates with Mr. Zinn’s “Voices of a People’s
History of the United States,” a five-year-old compilation of
primary-source material. The readings were selected from the book and
recorded at sites across the country.

At the performances “there were a lot of readings that really struck a
chord because of the way that people are feeling right now,” Mr. Damon

Other contributors included Viggo Mortensen, Sean Penn and Kerry
Washington. Between readings, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, John Legend
and other artists performed historical songs.

The project appealed to the History Channel partly because “primary
sources are a real driving force for us right now,” said Nancy Dubuc, the
channel’s president and general manager.

For History, “People Speak” is part of a big-event series strategy to
increase viewership. In 2008 the channel’s eyewitness recounting of the
Sept. 11 attacks, “102 Minutes That Changed America,” set ratings records
for it. More recently, History showed the 10-hour “WWII in HD” on five
consecutive nights and drew an average of 2.4 million viewers per night.

Next year History plans a 12-hour series called “America: The Story of
Us,” which is intended to “tell the entire history” of the country, Ms.
Dubuc said.

“The People Speak” is more intimate. For the filmmakers it is about the
fight for equality; Chris Moore, a producer, said the film embodies the
phrase “democracy is not a spectator sport.” The filmmakers are developing
school curriculum materials for the film and releasing an extended version
on DVD.

“I’m a big believer that history is not the story of millions, but that
history is a million stories,” Ms. Dubuc said. “This illustrates that
better than anything we’ve ever done.”

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