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Yes, I know that this amounts to "dog bites man" but I could not help 
from drawing your attention to an academic paper on punishment in Iran 
that appears just above a cartoon deriding the idea that Iran has human 
rights problems.

The article states:

Rebellion and corruption on earth and burglary are punished by 
amputation. The perpetrator of rebellion is to be punished either by 
cross maiming of his/her hand and foot, crucifixion for three days, 
banishment or death. According to Iran’s penal code the judge has the 
discretion to decide on the type of punishment. However, the 
administration of crucifixion has not been reported.

On January 6, 2008, ISNA, Iranian Students’ News Agency, reported the 
imposition and execution of the Hadd of Muhariba on five criminals in 
Sistan, a south eastern province of Iran. One of the criminals was 
convicted of blocking the highway with force and resisting the police 
officers through which an officer was injured; two others were convicted 
of armed robbery, hostage taking, and disturbing public order, and two 
others were convicted of armed theft and disturbing public safety. They 
were sentenced to cross-amputation of the right hand and left foot (ISNA 


Human rights, indeed. The only puzzle is whether the editor of MRzine 
published this stuff in sympathy with perpetrators of "rebellion and 
corruption on earth" being crucified for 3 days.


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