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NY Times, December 12, 2009
Cuba Detains a U.S. Contractor

HAVANA — A United States government contract worker, who was distributing
cellphones, laptops and other communications equipment in Cuba on behalf
of the Obama administration, has been detained by the authorities here,
American officials said Friday.

The officials said the contractor, who works for a company based in the
Washington suburbs, was detained Dec. 5. They said the United States
Interests Section in Havana was awaiting Cuba’s response to a request for
consular access to the man, who was not identified.

The detention and the mysterious circumstances surrounding it threaten to
reignite tensions between the countries at a time when both had promised
to open new channels of engagement. American officials said they were
encouraged that the Cubans had not publicized the detention, and they said
they were hopeful that he might be quietly released.

Cuba has allowed more citizens than ever to buy cellphones and computers,
but even the limited access to digital technology that is available has
created problems for the government. Cuban officials have shown particular
concern about Yoani Sánchez, a prominent government critic who keeps in
touch with thousands of followers with a blog and a Twitter account.

Recently, the Cuban government denied Ms. Sánchez a visa to accept a
prestigious journalism award in New York. President Obama has also made a
guest appearance on her blog, sending written answers to questions she
submitted to him.

American programs to promote democracy in Cuba have also been the focus of
intense debate in the United States. A 2006 report by the Government
Accountability Office found that nearly all of the $74 million that the
United States Agency for International Development spent on contracts to
foster democracy in Cuba over the previous decade had been distributed,
without competitive bidding or oversight, to Cuban-exile organizations in
Miami rather than groups in Cuba itself.

Groups financed by the program, the G.A.O. found, made questionable
purchases, including cashmere sweaters and Godiva chocolates.

In 2008, the Bush administration sought to overhaul the program, promising
to award contracts to groups beyond those in Florida and to devote most of
the budget to buying communications equipment to help expand Cubans’
access to information.

The detention of the unidentified American contractor, some Cuba experts
said, demonstrated that President Raúl Castro of Cuba had not abandoned
the hard-line tactics used for years by his older brother, Fidel, to
stifle dissent.

“Under Cuba’s draconian laws,” said José Miguel Vivanco of Human Rights
Watch, “even the act of handing out cellphones to government critics can
be considered a crime.”

Still, Mr. Vivanco and others said that the contractor’s covert conduct —
which included entering Cuba on a tourist visa without proper documents —
also raised questions about whether Mr. Obama would fulfill his promise to
break with the confrontational tactics that Washington has employed toward
Havana for five decades.

“President Obama’s been different in some areas,” said Phil Peters, a Cuba
expert and a vice president of the Lexington Institute, a nonpartisan
think tank. “But most of his policy remains the Bush policy, and this is
just another example of that.”

The detainee, officials said, was employed by Development Alternatives
Inc., which had at least $391,000 in government contracts last year. Based
in Bethesda, Md., the company is a kind of do-it-all development company
that provides services to the United States government in countries around
the world.

Company officials did not respond Friday to requests for comment. On its
Web site, the company describes the breadth of its activities, saying, “We
help hillside farmers raise their incomes in Haiti, strengthen the credit
system for Moroccan entrepreneurs, harmonize natural resource use in the
Philippines, mitigate conflict in Liberia, and foster responsive local
governments in Serbia.”

It was unclear exactly what the company’s employee was doing at the time
he was detained.

Cellphones and computers are available for sale in Cuba, prompting some to
question why Cuba decided to crack down on an activity that has long been
treated as more of an annoyance than a crime. When it comes to satellite
phones, however, the Cubans have taken a far harder line.

Mr. Obama had promised a more open relationship with Cuba, announcing not
long after taking office that he would lift restrictions on travel to Cuba
for Americans with relatives on the island. He has expanded cultural and
academic exchanges between the United States and Cuba. And he began
high-level talks on migration, drug trafficking and postal services with
the Cuban authorities, discussions that President Bush had halted.

But in recent weeks relations seem to have hit a new stalemate, with Mr.
Obama signaling that he was reluctant to create more diplomatic openings
until Cuban officials demonstrated a willingness to address the country’s
poor human rights record.

Ricardo Alarcón, the speaker of Cuba’s National Assembly, said he had
heard nothing about the detention of the American. He termed the policy
changes instituted so far by Mr. Obama as “minor” and described the White
House as too distracted by other issues to focus attention on Cuba.

“You have two wars,” he said. “You have the economy. You have the debate
on health care. It is clear to me that the administration is not prepared
at this moment to give a priority to the relationship with Cuba.”

Congress is considering bills that would lift restrictions on travel to
Cuba for all Americans. Senator John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts and
chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, added his name last week
to a long list of co-sponsors of the measure.

Marc Lacey reported from Havana, and Ginger Thompson from Washington.
Kitty Bennett contributed research.

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