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LProyect is too kind to Michael Kazin. Kazin ends his article with the
"But no work of history can substitute for a social movement."
Well, a clearer case of attacking a straw man has, perhaps, never been
written. No one, certainly not Professor Zinn, would have claimed
otherwise. However, one thing that Howard Zinn understood, is that people
are not likely to organize succesfully into social movements unless they
have some understanding of the past, including an understanding of past
social movements. And Zinn attempted to provide his reader just that with
his A People's History of the United States. What has Kazin done that is
in anyway comparable?
Jim F.

On Sun, 31 Jan 2010 11:18:53 -0500 Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com> writes:
> ======================================================================
> Kazin, like Sean Wilentz who made a snide comment on Zinn in the AP 
> obit, have had a grudge against Zinn for a long time. The fact that 
> they 
> used his death as an opportunity to repeat old charges is 
> disgusting. 
> Even more disgusting is the wretched social democrat Kazin telling 
> Guardian readers that Zinn was insufficiently anti-capitalist.
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