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*Michael Lebowitz* was interviewed by *Srec'ko Horvat* during* *the 
Subversive Film Festival and conference on socialism, held from May 1 to 
May 25, 2010, in Zagreb, Croatia. It is posted at /Links International 
Journal of Socialist Renewal/ with Michael Lebowitz's permission.

* * *

*Srec'ko Horvat: **In May, as a participant of the big international 
conference on Socialism, you are coming to a country which had an 
experience with the the Yugoslavian version of socialism in the last 
century. Could you explain why socialism in the 21st century?*

*Michael Lebowitz: *Basically, I think there is no alternative. 
Capitalism has always been a system that treats human beings and nature 
simply as a means for the purpose of making profits. The logic of 
capital is the growth of capital and, as Marx pointed out, its tendency 
is to destroy both those original sources of wealth -- human beings and 
nature. But how long can that go on? Production under capitalist 
relations is so unfulfilling that it produces people who can only get 
satisfaction by purchasing and possessing things. At the same time, we 
know that in order to be able to sell the commodities produced, capital 
must constantly generate new needs. It is a lethal combination -- 
consumerism is not an accident in capitalism.

Full interview at http://links.org.au/node/1729


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