Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi was convicted before the High Court of
Justiciary sitting in the Netherlands of the murder of 270 people.

Mr Megrahi contends that he has been the victim of a miscarriage of

His case was referred back to the Court of Criminal Appeal by the
Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission on 27th June 2007.

He abandoned his appeal against conviction and sentence, with leave of
the Court, on 18 August 2009.

The purpose of this website is to explain the basis of his challenge to
that conviction.

Initially, he intends to publish those parts of his Grounds of Appeal
which were argued before the Court between 28 April and 19 May 2009.

Thereafter, he will publish the Grounds of Appeal which were due to be
the subject of argument before the Court, commencing on 2nd November 2009.

Documents are now available at http://www.megrahimystory.net/

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