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*John Pilger backs Wikileaks rally*

Renowned independent journalist and filmmaker John Pilger has offered his
support for the protest organised by supporters of Wikileaks on Friday,
December 10 at 1pm at Sydney Town Hall.

Greens Senator-elect Lee Rhiannon and NSW Greens MLC David Shoebridge are
the latest confirmed speakers to address the protest. Shoebridge is also the
lead candidate on the NSW Greens Upper House ticket for the 2011 state

In a message to rally organisers, John Pilger said: “The defence of Julian
Assange and Wikileaks is one of the most important issues of my lifetime.
There are now two superpowers in the world — the military power of
Washington and the power of public opinion and justice, which Wikileaks

“If the Australian prime minister doesn't understand this, we Australians
need to remind her that she may head a mercenary government but we are not a
mercenary people.

“Those of us in London who are working to free Julian, knowing that the
Swedish prosecution is a political stunt that would never produce a fair
trial, will be at his side, and we call on the support of every decent

full article: www.greenleft.org.au/node/46372
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