NY Times, July 30, 2009
Reports of Prison Abuse and Deaths Anger Iranians

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Some prisoners say they watched fellow 
detainees being beaten to death by guards in overcrowded, stinking 
holding pens. Others say they had their fingernails ripped off or were 
forced to lick filthy toilet bowls.

The accounts of prison abuse in Iran’s postelection crackdown — relayed 
by relatives and on opposition Web sites — have set off growing outrage 
among Iranians, including some prominent conservatives. More bruised 
corpses have been returned to families in recent days, and some hospital 
officials have told human rights workers that they have seen evidence 
that well over 100 protesters have died since the vote.

On Tuesday, the government released 140 prisoners in one of several 
conciliatory gestures aimed at deflecting further criticism. President 
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad issued a letter urging the head of the judiciary to 
show “Islamic mercy” to the detainees, and on Monday Iran’s supreme 
leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, personally intervened and closed an 
especially notorious detention center.

Iranian news reports quoted judiciary officials as saying a prominent 
reformer, Saeed Hajjarian, who was detained on June 16 accused of 
fomenting unrest, would be released Wednesday. The state-funded 
English-language broadcaster Press TV quoted Farhad Tajari, deputy head 
of the parliamentary judicial commission, as saying that the former 
deputy interior minister, Mostafa Tajzadeh, and former deputy speaker of 
Parliament, Behzad Nabavi, were in detention facing major security 
charges and could be released on bail.

But there are signs that widespread public anger persists, and that it 
is not confined to those who took to the streets crying fraud after Mr. 
Ahmadinejad’s landslide victory last month. Several conservatives have 
said the abuse suggests a troubling lack of accountability, and they 
have hinted at a link with Mr. Ahmadinejad’s recent willingness to defy 
even the venerated Ayatollah Khamenei.

“Why did things have to go so far as to require the personal 
intervention of the supreme leader?” said Ali Mottahari, a conservative 
Parliament member. “If we are satisfied just to close one detention 
center, these people will continue to do what they have done elsewhere 
and nothing will change.”

Although the government has played down the scale of the prison abuses, 
some detainees’ relatives have come forward recently to confirm them, 
mostly to opposition-linked Web sites that have provided credible 
information in the past, including roozonline.com and gooya.com.

Some deaths have been further documented with photographs or videotapes. 
Hospital officials have described receiving bodies of those killed in 
protests, with the total far in excess of 20, the government’s initial 
figure. It is difficult to confirm such reports independently, given the 
restrictions on reporting in Iran.

The anger has spread from opposition supporters into Iran’s hard-line 
camp in part because of the case of Mohsen Ruholamini, the son of an 
adviser to the conservative presidential candidate Mohsen Rezai, who 
died in prison after a severe beating. A bitter political dispute among 
conservatives over Mr. Ahmadinejad’s cabinet decisions may also have 
helped fuel the issue.

The prison abuses have also galvanized the opposition movement, whose 
leaders asked for permission to hold a mass mourning ceremony on 
Thursday in honor of those killed since the election. The Interior 
Ministry on Tuesday refused permission for the gathering, but the main 
opposition leaders, Mir Hussein Moussavi and Mehdi Karroubi, said they 
would hold a public ceremony anyway, several Web sites reported.

Thursday is a day of unusual symbolic importance because it will be 40 
days since the shooting of Neda Agha-Soltan, a young woman whose death 
during a demonstration was captured on video and ignited outrage across 
the globe. The 40th day marks an important Shiite mourning ritual; 
similar commemorations for dead protesters fueled the demonstrations 
that led to the Islamic Revolution in 1979.

Questions about the prison abuse have gained more importance in recent 
days, not only because of the opposition’s public protests but also 
because the stories have multiplied. One young man posted an account on 
Tuesday of his ordeal at the Kahrizak camp, which was ordered closed on 
Monday by Ayatollah Khamenei.

“We were all standing so close to each other that no one could move,” he 
wrote in a narrative posted online. “The plainclothes guards came into 
the room and broke all the light bulbs, and in the pitch dark started 
beating us, whoever they could.” By morning, at least four detainees 
were dead, he added.

In another account posted online, a former detainee describes being made 
to lie facedown on the floor of a police station bathroom, where an 
officer would step on his neck and force him to lick the toilet bowl as 
the officer cursed reformist politicians.

A woman described having her hair pulled as interrogators demanded that 
she confess to having sex with political figures. When she was finally 
released, she was forced — like many others — to sign a paper saying she 
had never been mistreated.

Mr. Moussavi spoke out Monday in unusually strong and angry terms, 
accusing the government of brutality and irreligion, and warning that 
its conduct toward the detainees could set off a much greater reaction.

“They cannot turn this nation into a prison of 70 million people,” Mr. 
Moussavi said, adding later that “the more people they arrest, the more 
widespread the movement will become.”

The prisoner release on Tuesday appeared to be the act of a government 
desperate to defuse the issue, coming just one day after the head of 
Iran’s judiciary promised that the detainees’ cases would be expedited. 
Government officials say that of at least 2,500 people arrested in the 
postelection crackdown, about 150 remain in prison.

In announcing the release, Saeed Jalili, the secretary of the National 
Security Council of Iran, sounded a defensive note, saying that those 
still in jail “are people for whom there are documents stating they were 
in possession of firebombs and weapons, including firearms, and who had 
caused serious damage to public property.”

But Mr. Mottahari, the lawmaker, said Tuesday that those responsible for 
the deaths of detainees must also be identified and punished. Others 
have gone further, saying the prison abuses suggest a government 
lurching dangerously out of control.

“Those who have turned this society into a police state and have ordered 
the use of force have to be held accountable,” said Hamid-Reza 
Katouzian, a hard-line member of Parliament. “The police and the 
Ministry of Intelligence have told us that they are on the sidelines, 
and we do not know who is responsible or accountable.”

Mr. Katouzian is a close friend of Mr. Ruholamini’s family, and his 
comments appeared to reflect personal outrage over that case. But his 
remarks also echoed a broader, longstanding concern about the 
Revolutionary Guards and the Basij militia taking over law enforcement 
functions and acting beyond the knowledge of legislators.

Senior clerics have also weighed in, warning that tolerating such 
injustices could endanger Iran’s theocracy.

“The shameful recent events have distressed everyone and been a source 
of worry for all those who love their country and the Islamic republic,” 
said Grand Ayatollah Abdul-Karim Mousavi Ardebili, adding a plea for the 
government to release detainees.

The number of those killed since the election is impossible to 
determine, and it includes at least a few members of the Basij militia 
as well as protesters. One human rights group, International Campaign 
for Human Rights in Iran, said it spoke to doctors in three Tehran 
hospitals who registered the bodies of 34 protesters on June 20 alone. 
Other doctors have provided similar accounts and have estimated a death 
toll of at least 150 based on bodies they saw.

Earlier this month, family members of missing demonstrators were taken 
to a morgue in southwest Tehran where they reported seeing “hundreds of 
corpses” and were not allowed to retrieve bodies unless they certified 
that the deaths were of natural causes, according to accounts relayed on 
Web sites and to human rights workers.

Robert F. Worth reported from Dubai, and Sharon Otterman from New York.

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