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Dear friends,

Sanhati, and other organizations and individuals, are organizing a protest
against the Indian government’s insidious war, named “Operation Green
Hunt,” which has been unleashed on the inhabitants of the forested regions
of East-Central India.

We urge you join in this protest at the Consulate in New York City (3 East
64th Street) on August 13 at 11 a.m.

Kindly inform others about this protest by circulating this email.

The protest will approximately coincide with Indian Independence Day
(August 15) to emphasize that the promises of independence have remained
largely unfulfilled for a large section of the population, including the
tribal peoples.

In its current phase, this war is concentrated primarily in the forested
regions of East-Central India, stretching from the states of Chhattisgarh
to Jharkhand and West Bengal. This region is home to significant amounts
natural resources.

Big corporations, both Indian and foreign, are plundering these natural
resources for quick profits and plan to continue doing so while paying
almost no attention to the enormous environmental and human costs inherent
in their ventures. The state and central governments continue to welcome
these big corporations with open arms by signing an unknown number of
memoranda of understanding with them—whose details have been kept secret.
recent report by the Ministry of Rural Development, on the other hand,
described these trends as one of the biggest land grabs since the time of

Yet these forested areas house not only natural resources. This region is
home to a large section of India’s roughly 100 million Adivasis (i.e., the
tribal population). Using all means at their disposal, the Adivasis
resisted the government’s efforts to forcibly drive them from their
ancestral lands. Drawing on the Fifth Schedule of the Indian Constitution,
which is devoted to Adivasi rights and provisions for their protection,
Adivasi activists challenged the government's expropriations.

Instead of addressing the genuine grievances of the Adivasis, the Indian
government has cracked down on their legitimate protests in violation of
the letter and intent of the Indian Constitution. Peaceful resistance
movements across this region have been met with police brutality and
military might; this forced the arming of a section of the resistance
movement. State-assisted vigilante groups like the Salwa Judum in
Chhattisgarh and Harmad Bahini in West Bengal were a response of the state
to the armed resistance of the Adivasis.

When that failed, Operation Green Hunt—a further escalation and
militarization of the State's response—emerged. Such militarization is
facilitated by the Indian government’s military cooperation with the
States and Israel.

Sections of civil society have been urging the central government to stop
Operation Green Hunt and begin negotiations with the diverse people's
organizations opposing the looting of natural resources. The response of
the government to the idea of dialogue has in general not been encouraging
in view of the plans of increased militarization, human rights abuses
committed by the security forces, suppression of dissenting voices, and
abductions and killings of the leaders of people's organizations.

In this context, Adivasis in India, and all the people who are with them
in this struggle for freedom from exploitation and oppression, need your
support. Join us to protest against Operation Green Hunt and the
violence of the Indian State on democratic movements on August 13, 2010 at
11 a.m. in front of the Indian Consulate in New York City.

Oppose the biggest land grab since Columbus!

Oppose Operation Green Hunt!

Oppose the war on people!


Sanhati (www.sanhati.com) is a forum of activists, professionals, workers,
academics and intellectuals that stand in solidarity with peoples'
struggles against corporate capital and for the upholding of democratic
rights in India. The group strives to be an integral part of the
international search for alternatives to the capitalist social order.



India Shining, so claimed the BJP-led government. Today, the Congress-led
regime might boast that it successfully increased annual economic growth
from 5.6% to 8.3% in the last six years, while criticizing the previous
BJP-led alliance.

Between the 5.6% and 8.3%, there lurk other stories. About three-quarters
of India's people live on less than Rs. 20 per day, while almost half of
the women in India are still illiterate and about 80% of households do not
have access to safe drinking water.

Between 1997 and 2006, there lurk other stories. Nearly 170,000 farmers
committed suicide by drinking pesticide because they could not keep up
demands to repay their loans. In addition to the agrarian crisis, whatever
little access the poor had to common property resources has come under
increasing attack by the Indian government in the guise of Special
Zones (SEZs) and other "development" projects related to mining,
development, information technology parks, and so forth.

Immeasurable stories such as these are grafted onto the underbelly of
neo-liberal economic "development" in India. A recent report, penned by
Indian Ministry of Rural Development, described these trends as the
land grab since Columbus. In truth, it wouldn't be hard to keep citing
official statistics revealing not only the shadows within the Shining
myth, but huge pockets of darkness. To be perfectly honest, none of this
new. If there is one image of India that has persisted in the Western
media, it is the image of bone-thin, bare-bodied children with swollen
bellies, scavenging for food-crumbs in trash-cans next to stray dogs and
wild birds.
But something has changed in the last five years. 

India, like many other parts of the world, has seen the emergence of a
whole spectrum of mass movements challenging the global neo-liberal
onslaught in many different ways. These movements are not attempts to
"brainwash" the masses by English-spouting city-bred students or
intellectuals with romantic dreams of social change.  On the contrary,
these movements are being led by the very people who have been
excluded from reaping the benefits of development and growth – in short,
the people who live in the pockets of darkness within the so-called

The proverbial aam aadmi has spoken. The oppressed of India have shown an
unwillingness to stay oppressed for eternity, despite the policy of the
government to "kill the poor and not the poverty." These struggles are
primarily about defending their lands, rivers and homes from corrupt
officials and swindlers. Moreover, these movements have demonstrated that
not only has the government failed to deliver on the promises of the basic
rights of the Indian constitution itself, the interests of the most
economically disadvantageous people have seriously been compromised by its
almost total and unconditional submission to the interests of corporations
like Mittal, Vedanta, Tata, Essar, Salim, Jindal, and POSCO.

Instead of improving governance while addressing dissent and discontent in
an inclusive way, as be-fitting any democratic government, the Indian
government has unleashed severe state violence. The government of India
launched an insidious war nicknamed Operation Green Hunt. While the terror
initiated by the government since 2009 is by no means unique in view of
history of the state repression across India (e.g., West Bengal, Orissa,
Kashmir, the Northeasten states, Punjab, and Andhra Pradesh), Operation
Green Hunt is unprecedented both for its array of military force and its
media mobilization.

Since last year, more than 100,000 military and paramilitary troops have
been sent into Adivasi (i.e., indigenous) areas. Moreover, it was recently
announced that 36 battalions of Indian Reserve Forces will be added to the
105 already raised, along with 16,000 more "Special Police Officers"
(civilians trained and armed by the government) bringing their total
strength to 30,000. Through this new military campaign, which almost
to mind histories of colonial occupation of land, the military "occupiers"
are to gradually spread into one "sanitized" area after another.

Some additional relevant facts:
* Twenty Warfare Training Schools are being built in India.

* Prime Minister Manmohan Singh recently spent $18 billion in the US to
buy huge amounts of military supplies and munitions. This included
state-of-the-art global positioning systems and night-vision-capable
automatic rifles.

* Drones are being purchased from Israel and the Israeli Mossad is
training Indian police as snipers. The aim of the training is to enable
assassination of the leaders of diverse mass movements. The recent murder
of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) spokesperson Azad, who was also
the party's emissary for negotiations on a ceasefire, clearly reflects one
aspect of the government's modus operandi (i.e., targeted killings).

* According to numerous reports, dozens of indigenous people are being
killed each week in the Adivasi regions.

* The Communist Party of India (Maoist) has been declared India's "gravest
internal security" threat and has been banned. Bans have also been imposed
on other democratic organizations on the claim that they are frontal"
organizations of CPI (Maoist) and the witch hunt against these civil
activists continues unabated.

* The last few months have seen the arrests of increasing numbers of media
personnel, journalists, writers, and intellectuals who have shown the
slightest sympathy to people's struggles in the Adivasi heartland. The
discussions within the ranks of the police forces in the state of
Chattisgarh as to whether the Booker Prize winning writer Arundhati Roy is
to be charged under an "anti-terrorism" law following the publication of
her essay Walking With the Comrades is a case in point.

* The state of Gujarat has joined Operation Green Hunt by alleging that
"Maoists" are attempting to expand their networks into Gujarat and in
particular the tribal regions of South Gujarat. Several activists have
arrested. This witch-hunt of the Gujarat police amounts to a systematic
effort by the state government to suppress all manner of dissension and

* Operation Green Hunt includes widespread incidents of rape committed by
the security forces. Recently, about 50,000 women tried to march into
Jhargram town in West Bengal to protest against these rapes (see
above). The marchers included school students in uniform, teachers,
housewives and even many elderly women. Widespread rape is a progeny of
Operation Green Hunt.

* The Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA), one of a number of
anti-democratic Acts, continues to give Indian troops immunity from civil
legal action and promotes human rights violations. The Naga People's
Movement for Human Rights has aptly observed that this Act is a systematic
tool of the Indian government that contributes to terrorizing and
dehumanizing civilian populations. This Act also protects security
personnel in Kashmir guilty of killing and torturing the people of the

The Indian state, in other words, has declared war on its own people. It
has declared war precisely on those sections of the population who have
always been at the receiving ends of multiple forms of systemic and
institutional oppression. Instead of addressing the genuine grievances of
Adivasis facing forcible displacement and dispossession, the Indian
government has cracked down on their legitimate protests in flagrant
violation of the letter and intent of the Indian Constitution.

Foreseeing the disastrous impact that Operation Green Hunt will have on
the common people in those regions, different sections of civil society
have called for a dialog between the state and various sections of the
resistance, including the CPI (Maoist) and different people’s
organizations, involved in struggles in the Adivasi regions. Several
attempts to make progress in these efforts failed, with different
politicians, bureaucrats and security officers continuously attempting to
scuttle negotiations.

A glimmer of hope had risen due to the civil society initiative
represented by Swami Agnivesh, with the Union Home Minister and Azad, as
spokesperson of CPI(Maoist), responding to him in a letter detailing the
suitable conditions under which a dialog might begin. It is reported that
Azad was on his way to consult other members of CPI (Maoist) in order to
decide future steps for proceeding with this initiative when he was
allegedly abducted and killed, thus throwing the possibility of
negotiations into disarray. The murder of a spokesperson of a political
organization, with which dialog is supposedly being planned at this
juncture, raises serious doubts regarding the government commitment to
a dialog.

In this situation, the activists in India need your presence support. Join
us to protest against Operation Green Hunt and the increasing violence of
the Indian State on democratic movements on August 13, 2010 at 11 a.m. in
front of the Indian Consulate in New York City. We have chosen August 13,
as this date roughly coincides with Indian Independence Day, when the
country became a sovereign nation-state following its colonial occupation
by Great Britain. We would, therefore, like to record our protest and
remind the public that the promises of the Indian independence have not
only remain unfulfilled, but the current Indian government has resorted to
military repression to quell democratic dissent in a way uncannily similar
to the erstwhile British “overlords.” We invite all in diaspora, the
international community of media activists, human rights workers,
and intellectuals and artists to join us.

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