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WSJ MARCH 26, 2010

Upset Vote Reshapes Iraq
Scramble Is On to Form a Ruling Coalition as Minority Sunnis Take First


BAGHDAD—Ayad Allawi's predominantly Sunni alliance won Iraq's national 
election, narrowly edging out Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's list to 
become the largest bloc in the country's next parliament, and kicking 
off a scrum among political and religious blocs to form a majority 

Ayad Allawi's predominantly Sunni alliance wins Iraq's national 
election. Margaret Coker in Baghdad and Adam Horvath join the News Hub 
to discuss what the outcome means for the future of Iraq. Plus, Evan 
Ramstad reports from Seoul on the sinking of a South Korean Naval ship.

The Allawi upset threatens to end the lock on power that Iraq's majority 
Shiites have enjoyed since 2003 after decades of oppression under the 
Sunni-led government of Saddam Hussein, and could severely test the 
country's fragile institutions. In the two weeks between the March 7 
election and the vote tallies Friday, Shiite politicians warned of 
violence should their parties lose the election.

In a hastily convened news conference, Mr. Maliki didn't accept defeat. 
The incumbent repeated an earlier demand for a manual recount of the 
ballots, citing suspicions of fraud. However, he also said his bloc 
would follow the legal procedures in place to challenge the results 
announced by the Iraqi electoral commission. According to the Iraqi 
electoral process, candidates have a three-day period to lodge 
complaints before the Supreme Court ratifies the results.

The preliminary results announced Friday show Mr. Allawi's Iraqiya bloc 
winning 91 seats in the 325-member parliament to 89 seats for Mr. 
Maliki's State of Law party. The country's other Shiite alliance won 70 
seats, enough to add up to nearly a majority for either of the other 
groups—making them likely kingmakers in a coalition government.

In a raucous victory celebration at his home in Baghdad, Mr. Allawi 
jumped and kissed his supporters who had gathered with a traditional 
band and dancers to celebrate their win. Car loads of cheering 
supporters braved the pouring rain, clogging the neighborhood streets.

He said there would be "no red lines" ruling out politicians his bloc 
would invite to join a coalition. "We are open to all political blocs 
without any exception" provided they take "a national and secular 
attitude," said Mr. Allawi, himself a secular Shiite who formed a 
partnership with leading Sunni figures.

As the political slate with the largest number of seats,Mr. Allawi's 
group will have the first shot at forming a government. Negotiations are 
expected to take several weeks as various alliances cut deals over 
ministerial portfolios and contentious issues, such as which ethnic 
group will be awarded the country's ceremonial presidency.

Most analysts find the horse-trading too complex to predict yet. The two 
leading parties, the largely Sunni group Iraqiya and the Shiite bloc 
State of Law, have enough votes to form an overwhelming coalition if 
they combine.

But in the weeks since the election, as the race appeared even and the 
two groups began reaching out to smaller parties, aides to both leaders 
shunned one another. They said privately that they were unlikely to 
combine forces, given their leaders' contentious relations.

Mr. Maliki could also lead a government of a grand alliance of Shiites, 
but there is bad blood among those leaders too.

Mr. Allawi, meantime, has strong ties to veteran Kurdish leaders, but 
their votes would not be enough—and it could be difficult for him to 
pick off any Shiite groups to put him over the top.

Washington is closely watching the transition of power, ahead of the 
planned withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq this summer. 
Political disagreements between Shiite and Sunnis and a boycott by 
Sunnis of the 2005 national election ushered in more than two years of 
bloody internecine violence.

As the country awaited the results, Iraqi security forces were on high 
alert much of the day, and Baghdad streets were largely empty. In noon 
prayers, religious leaders appealed for calm. Moqtada al-Sadr, the 
anti-American cleric whose militias were responsible for much of the 
instability in the last few years, ordered his supporters to respect the 
electoral commission's work.

The preliminary final results confirm that the country remains fractured 
along sectarian lines, with few voters crossing religious and ethnic lines.

Mr. Allawi's Iraqiya bloc was the only group to succeed in appealing to 
a broad array of voters. The list dominated the Sunni sections of the 
country and also secured a large segment of seats from Baghdad, southern 
provinces like Babel and northern regions like Kirkuk, where the Kurds 
have long held sway.

The win catapults Mr. Allawi back to prominence after years in political 
wilderness here.

A scion of one of Iraq's most famous political families, he was 
appointed prime minister in 2004 by the U.S. provisional authority that 
ran the country after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. In the 2005 
election, Mr. Allawi's party only won 25 seats in parliament, giving him 
little voice in national affairs.

This year, he succeeded in building a coalition of Sunni leaders and 
secular personalities. They appear to have capitalized on voter 
dissatisfaction with the religious figures who have dominated the 
previous parliament and their perceived failure to provide basic 
services. In many provinces where Mr. Allawi's Iraqiya slate secured the 
top number of seats, turnout was almost 15% higher than the Shiite south 
where Mr. Maliki's list dominated.

Mr. Allawi also may have gained a bump of support from political 
machinations that occurred just ahead of the vote: The country's 
de-Baathification commission disqualified hundreds of candidates for 
their alleged ties to the former party of Saddam Hussein. The 
commission, run by Shiite candidates running in the race, targeted many 
figures on Mr. Allawi's list in a move that to many Iraqis smacked of a 
political dirty trick. Mr. Maliki supported the efforts by the commission.

Candidates on the Iraqiya list said they feared that in the period of 
contesting the vote results, the prime minister would try to decimate 
their ranks and cancel some of their votes by naming them Baathists—a 
party that is illegal under Iraqi law.

In his news conference, Mr. Maliki didn't give specifics as to how he 
could challenge the vote totals. The Iraqi electoral commission handled 
approximately 2,000 complaints during the tally. Its head, Faraj Al 
Haydari, has said that there is no evidence to mandate a recount.

U.S. Ambassador Chris Hill and Gen. Ray Odierno released a statement 
Friday saying that they have confidence "in the overall integrity of the 
election," and praised the electoral commission for its professionalism.

During the election campaign, Mr. Maliki's party accused Mr. Allawi of 
taking funds from Arab Sunni governments and being a U.S. puppet. Mr. 
Allawi's supporters accuse the prime minister of authoritarian tendencies.

A senior U.S. official said earlier this week that Washington would be 
able to do business with either Mr. Allawi or Mr. Maliki as the next 
prime minister.

Write to Margaret Coker at margaret.co...@wsj.com

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