Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Yes, the Iñigo Carreras are a family of long and important standing in
our sepoy Left. Juan´s father, if I am not wrong, was a very important
leader in that Socialist Party that took by assault the unions under
the surveillance of the Navy after 1955. The Party that gave an
Ambassador to Portugal to Videla in 1976. The Ambassador that had
misquoted Shakespear in 1956 at the sight of the shootings of
Peronists in June that "the milk of clemency had ended".

Anyway, I prefer Juan Iñigo Carrera to many others. In his attempt to
write the way Marx did, from time to time, he hits some lode. Though
he never realizes what does that lode mean.

2010/2/7 Louis Proyect <l...@panix.com>:
> ======================================================================
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ======================================================================
> Leonardo Kosloff wrote:
>> How does capital accumulate in Argentina? Why is the
>> working class to do this? is explained here
>> http://www.cicpint.org/jinigo/articulos/argentina/articulo%20HM.pdf
>> by Juan Iñigo Carrera, (particularly page 9 through page 20, and page
>> 32 through 35). For Gorojovsky, however, he should read with an open
>> scientific mind, if he can, ‘La formación económica de la sociedad
>> Argentina’, also by Juan Iñigo Carrera.
> This must be the same Juan Iñigo who was a subscriber to the very first
> Marxism list on the Internet. We used to get big laughs out of his
> attempt to write as if he were Karl Marx's avatar. Here's a sample of
> his prose. If anybody ever finds me writing nonsense like this, they
> have permission to throw a custard pie in my face:
> http://www.cicpint.org/cicp/congreso%20marx%20int/Juan%20Inigo_Presentation%20english.pdf
> "The need inherent within the capitalist mode of production to develop
> itself towards its own overcoming into the general conscious
> organization of social production immediately presents us with the
> process of the development of consciousness. A consciousness able to
> organize the totality of the process of social production must have
> attained the power inherent in the fullness of objective knowledge, that
> is, it needs to be a completely free consciousness. Nevertheless, it can
> not reach this condition as an offspring of the previous overcoming of
> the capitalist mode of production. On the contrary, this overcoming is
> the offspring of the complete development of free consciousness.
> Therefore, complete free consciousness must necessarily be the most
> genuine product of the capitalist mode of production itself. More
> concretely yet, it must needs be the product of the social subject that
> the capitalist mode of production objectively determines as the bearer
> of its own overcoming, resulting from the same process in which the
> subject undertakes this overcoming. In a nutshell, the consciousness in
> question can only be developed as the product of the political action of
> the working class in the process of overcoming the capitalist mode of
> production. This action takes, as its necessary concrete form, the
> advance in the socialization of private labor by means of the
> centralization of capital as an alienated social property, which is to
> say, as property of the state. The consciousness of the working class
> able to overcome the capitalist mode of production can only be developed
> as a concrete necessary moment of the aforementioned process of capital
> centralization."
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Néstor Gorojovsky
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