London, August 4rd, 2009
Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

There has been much uproar in the international media in recent days
as various radio stations in Venezuela have been closed and a “Draft
Law against Media Crimes” has been presented to the Venezuelan
Parliament by the Public Prosecutor last week. As usual, much
disinformation has guided the debate around these topics. This
fact-sheet should clarify the issues and rectify the imbalanced
reporting of the mainstream media.


 The National Telecommunications Commission (Conatel) ascribed to the
Ministry of Popular Power for Infrastructure and Housing (Mopvi)
announced the closure of 34 Venezuelan media stations as they operated
outside the margins of the Telecommunications Law as ratified in the
year 2000.1 The mainstream international media tries to portray the
closure of these stations as if it were the result of a deliberate
decision taken by President Chávez, when in fact it is the consequence
of the rightful application of the law.  Here are the Facts:

Conatel and Mopvi are currently in a process of data revision,
updating information on Venezuelan television and radio broadcast
concessions. This process is being carried out under utmost
transparency and the public has continuously been informed about all
decisions taken by the responsible state institutions.
The data-revision process brought to light that the 34 media-stations
in question were clearly not complying with the law because of one or
more of the following failures:

the expiration of the broadcast-concession and/or the lack of renewal
of the concession within the time period determined by the law;
the passing-away or the renunciation of a concession holder and;
the lack of the lawful transfer to a new concession holder.

In that context Diosdado Cabello, Minister for Infrastructure and
Housing, faced those opposing the measure and said "I challenge those
who operate the Circuito Nacional Belfort to provide a document
showing that CONATEL has authorized them to operate the 102.3
frequency. They are saying that the station is theirs and it's not
true…They have started to say that we are revoking concessions and
that is not true. The state is simply recovering the concessions that
were being used illegally for more than 30 years. It is an act of
justice that has to do with giving power to people". 2

Nonetheless those affected by the measure can continue broadcasting
their programs through the internet as the regulation only applies to
the use of the state-owned airwaves.
According to Venezuelan law, the 34 stations had to stop broadcasting
immediately. Cabello, stated in a recent press conference that
authorities went to inform the 34 stations about the incompliance with
the law, but they closed the doors in front of them. Cabello said
“there is no way to close the doors to the truth”.
In other cases, administrative processes were opened. Decisions are
still pending on 206 more stations.
The 34 media-stations (32 radio and 2 television)3 have not presented
any evidence whatsoever that would put into question the decisions
made by the authorities. They have the right to take their case to the
Supreme Court.
Furthermore it is worth noting that despite these 34 stations being
off the public airwaves and an estimated 200 being under revision,
there are still more than 450 radio stations operating with rightful
concessions in Venezuela4, many of them in clear opposition to
government policies.
Another aspect that has not been mentioned in the international media
is the fact that people in Venezuela have rallied in favor of the
measure. On July 23, the National Association of Free and Alternative
Community Media (AMCLA), rallied in Caracas and called for radio and
television airwaves to be given to the people. On Sunday several
hundred people convened in front of CONATEL in support of the
government measure. In that context one person mentioned "I'm totally
in agreement with the measure that minister Diosdado Cabello has taken
of placing the airwaves in the hands of the Venezuelan people." 5


The closure of the 34 broadcast stations is completely independent
from the discussions of a “Draft Law Against Media Crimes” that has
been presented to the Parliament by the Public Prosecutor last week
and which is yet to be discussed in the Parliament.  Even before
discussing the draft law in the Parliament, it has already received
harsh criticism from the international press. Critics have mainly
focused on the following two aspects of the proposed law: First, that
journalists could face prison-punishment for “publishing material
deemed to harm state stability” (BBC World) and second, that the law
would strongly limit the freedom of expression.  Here are the facts:

The law is in no way limiting the freedom of expression but rather
ensures the subsequent imposition of liability, according to Article
13 of the Inter-American Convention of Human Rights.6 In fact, the
proposed law sustains itself in both, the Venezuelan Constitution and
the Convention of Human Rights. For example, Article 13 of the
mentioned convention also says that “any propaganda for war and any
advocacy of national, racial, or religious hatred that constitute
incitements to lawless violence or to any other similar action against
any person or group of persons on any grounds including those of race,
colour, religion, language, or national origin shall be considered as
offences punishable by law.”7 Article 58 of the Venezuelan
Constitution says that “Everyone has the right to timely, truthful and
impartial information, without censorship, in accordance with the
principles of this Constitution, as well as the right to reply and
corrections when they are directly affected by inaccurate or offensive
The law will establish what is to be considered a crime. 9 According
to Article 3 of this draft, among the actions or omissions that might
be considered a crime are the following:

* Advocate against social peace, security and the independence of the nation;

* Advocate against the public order, stability of state institutions,
mental health and public morale.
The Public Prosecution office explains clearly that while other rights
of the Constitution are protected by the Venezuelan Criminal Law, the
right to receive truthful and impartial information does not enjoy
this kind of protection, which means that perpetrators who violate
this right go unpunished. For example, Article 60 of the Constitution
foresees that everyone has the right of protection of one’s honour and
reputation. This right is protected by the Criminal Law, which
establishes sanctions for those who commit the crime. The proposed Law
Against Media Crimes intends to protect the right to receive truthful
and impartial information, by establishing clear rules of punishment
for those who violate these rights.
Already back in 1966 the renowned Venezuelan writer and intellectual
Arturo Uslar Pietri stated that "Today we are confronting the danger
that these [media] companies convert themselves into grand opinion
factories; something that could be very dangerous for a country, as
the possibility to determine public opinion might end up in the hands
of three or four rich persons who could say: Let’s fabricate this type
of person, let’s destroy this other one, let’s make people hate this
idea and like the other one. This is an immense danger for democracy
and we should not contemplate it with romantic ideas. … We have to set
a limit to the power of these plutocratic fabricants and
opinion-manufacturers which could convert into the country’s dictators
through their economic power.” 11 What Venezuela is doing today has
been a concern of intellectuals already decades back, and given the
words of Arturo Pietri, Venezuela through the proposed law is in fact
enhancing democracy and certainly not limiting it.
Interestingly, just those who most criticize the proposed law today
are those who years ago would approve a constitution that foresees the
clear punishment of ‘criminal expressions’. Eleazar Diaz Rangel,
journalist and editor of the popular Venezuelan newspaper, Últimas
Noticias,  pointed out that “the Constitution of 1961 that they
approved, guaranteed that freedom in Article 66, but clearly stated
that those expressions which constitute a crime are subject to
punishment according to the law”. It furthermore said that “anonymity
is not permitted, just like the promotion of war, the offence of the
public morale or propaganda that would provoke the disobedience of the
Finally, we should not forget the destructive role the media has
played in the 2002 coup d’etat against the democratic government of
Hugo Chávez. In fact, the coup was orchestrated and directed by the
private media. The support that Globovision, RCTV and other private
media outlets gave to the coup has been reported by various
independent human rights organizations, such as PROVEA.13 Venezuela is
only one example of where media-terror can lead to. In Rwanda the
media was a main actor in the civil war in the 1990s and Kofi Annan
made clear that “the media in Rwanda was used to disseminate hatred,
to dehumanize the people, and what is even worse, to guide the
genocide towards certain victims… Three journalists and media owners
were found culpable of genocide, instigation to genocide, of
conspiracy and of committing crimes against humanity.” He insisted,
“We have to find a way to respond to these abuses of power”.14

“If someone thinks that this enormous power that justifies wars,
violence, coup d’etats, and chaos around the world should not be
regulated…this means we will always live vulnerably to any kind of
aggression”15…asserts the Public Prosecutor.

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