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RE: Confirming it, Com Khokan representing the State Committee leader Akash
CPI(Maoist) said, "We are not at all involved in this incident. We do not
kill innocent people. Fearing losing its rule, this is a ploy by CPI(M) to
kill two birds with one stone. To paint the Maoists as terrorists and to
declare the Railway minister, Mamata Banerjee as incapable. Even before this
when the Rajdhani met with an accident, the State government pointed the
finger on us. Our State Committee fully condemns this act. We share the pain
with the families of the deceased and stand by them in this hour of grief."

It is confusing. The Communist Party of India (Maoist) and the Communist
Party of India (Marxist) are both CPIM. The former are the Maoists, the
latter are the largest parliamentary Communist party. Com. Khokan, in an
article posted by Christos Mais says that it is the CPIM, the parliamentary
Communists, who did the bomb blast or removed the fishplates. Below, I have
pasted a statement by the Politbureau member of the CPIM, Sitaram Yechury.

See below, the statement by MP Sitaram Yechury.

Rail Accident - Charges against the CPI(M)

 29 May 2010 
Sitaram Yechury, Member, Polit Bureau of CPI(M) has issued the following
statement from New Delhi:

Instead of joining the collective efforts to provide relief and assistance
to the victims of the recent ghastly rail accident in West Midnapore,
sections of the pro-Trinamul Congress intellectuals in West Bengal have
mounted an absurd and insidious charge against the CPI (M) and the Left
Front Government that they conspired to cause this accident. This is
reminiscent of Hitler and Nazi fascists setting the German Reichstag on fire
and arresting Dimitrov, General Secretary of the Communist International on
that charge. This was followed by a general witch-hunt against the
Communists in Germany.

What is more surprising is that the Union Railway Minister has virtually
echoed similar charges against the CPI (M) and the Left Front Government in
West Bengal. As the Railway Minister it is her basic duty, to be discharged
under the oath of our Constitution that she took while assuming office, to
inform the country about the Ministry¹s preliminary observations on the
cause of the accident. She has rather chosen to shield the actual culprits
by suggesting that the Maoists may not be behind the sabotage. This is
indeed strange that she is saying all this while continuing to demand a CBI
enquiry when the State Government has already initiated a CID enquiry.

The Union Railway Minister continues to maintain that there was a blast that
led to the accident, while the Union Home Minister has denied that
possibility. It is clear that the Union Railway Minister is seeking to cover
up for the serious lapses of her leadership in the Railway Ministry and its
failings in this tragic episode. During the five months of this year the
number of major Railway accidents has been more than in any calendar year
since 1980.  

It is indeed tragic that instead of joining the country in the wake of a
national tragedy these elements are cynically using the situation to further
their petty partisan interests. All this is being done in order to influence
public opinion on the eve of the municipality elections in West Bengal. The
politically conscious people of West Bengal will surely see through this
conspiracy and give a fitting rebuff to these diabolical designs.

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