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Suit Over 'Unreliable Websites'
December 1, 2010

The University of Minnesota was sued in federal court Tuesday over 
allegations that a website maintained by its Holocaust studies 
center defamed a Turkish-American organization in a way that 
raised First Amendment and due process issues. The suit came just 
days after the Holocaust center removed the material that is the 
focus of the suit -- although the university maintains that it 
acted as part of a routine review and not because of the threat of 

Underlying the legal dispute is the debate over what happened to 
the Armenians during World War I. Among most scholars of genocide, 
there is a wide consensus that the deaths (some say up to 1.5 
million of them) constituted a genocide. A minority of scholars 
(and many Turkish-American groups) disagree -- and some of those 
who differ have been called "deniers." The material that was 
removed from the Minnesota website was a list of "unreliable 
websites" for research on genocide -- including the website of the 
Turkish Coalition of America.

The Minnesota lawsuit follows a retraction (under legal pressure) 
by the Southern Poverty Law Center of statements it made about a 
retired University of Massachusetts professor who has written 
books that cast doubt on the view that the Armenians suffered a 
genocide. David Saltzman, a lawyer involved in the suit against 
Minnesota and the one against the Southern Poverty Law Center, 
said in an interview Tuesday night that "the prospect of further 
litigation is great."

Minnesota's Center for Holocaust & Genocide Studies (CHGS) 
features a range of materials for use by students, researchers and 
teachers. The list of "unreliable" links was included in the mix 
of offerings.

Bruno Chaouat, director of the center, posted a note this week 
explaining that a review of the website had been going on -- 
irrespective of the complaints of Turkish-American groups. "I 
decided to remove the section providing links to 'unreliable 
websites.' My rationale was quite simple: never promote, even 
negatively, sources of illegitimate information," he wrote. 
"During almost 20 years working in higher education, I have never 
put a dubious source on a syllabus for my students, not even for 
the purpose of delegitimizing the source. The decision to remove 
the links to 'unreliable websites' was made before the Turkish 
Coalition of America began its efforts to intimidate CHGS into 
removing the links. The links were replaced with legitimate 
information devoted to the history, ideology and psychology of 
Holocaust and genocide denial."

Chaouat added that he believes that what happened to the Armenians 
was in fact genocide. "On behalf of the CHGS, I want to reiterate 
that in accordance with the vast majority of serious and rigorous 
historians, the CHGS considers the massacre of the Armenians 
during World War I as a case of genocide."

The Minnesota Holocaust studies center still features a "warning 
to researchers" that states: "Students and researchers should be 
aware that there is a proliferation of websites operated by 
Holocaust and genocide deniers that CHGS and others in the 
academic community consider unreliable. CHGS encourages all 
researchers to exercise caution when they use the Internet and any 
other media (films, books, journals, etc). Our center, staff, 
advisory board and experts are here to assist researchers on a 
case-by-case basis. We consider it our obligation to orient 
researchers toward reference materials which, in our opinion, 
represent the best scholarship in the field of Holocaust and 
genocide issues."

Saltzman, the lawyer for the Turkish Coalition of America, said 
that the removed list amounted to defamation of the views of the 
Turkish group and had the impact of limiting academic freedom 
because students would feel discouraged from quoting materials 
from a group labeled "unreliable" by a university source. Further, 
he said that there were due process issues because there was no 
formal way for a group like the coalition to appeal the placement 
of its website on the "unreliable" list.

As to the First Amendment, he said that the university gave "a 
clear overtone of an academic penalty" for anyone who used the 
Turkish group's materials. (Those materials continue to dispute 
the Armenian genocide.) Saltzman said that he considered the 
"warning to researchers" to be "a poor cousin" to the original 
list of questionable websites. The university, he said, "is saying 
'we're no long defaming by wide broadcast, but we're going to 
whisper it to you if you call us.' "

Minnesota officials were not able to respond to the lawsuit 
Tuesday night. But Mark Rotenberg, general counsel for the 
university, earlier told The St. Paul Pioneer Press (prior to the 
suit being filed) that the list of unreliable websites didn't 
restrict free speech, and that students were not barred from 
visiting sites on the list. He also said that the site didn't 
defame anyone because it was an opinion of faculty members in an 
academic program. "The department gets to have that opinion," he said.

The lawsuit against Minnesota follows one by Guenter Lewy, a 
professor emeritus of political science at the University of 
Massachusetts at Amherst, against the Southern Poverty Law Center. 
Lewy's lawsuit focused on two statements in a Southern Poverty Law 
Center document that suggested that he was financially backed in 
his research by Turkey's government.

That article now features a "retraction and apology" that says in 
part: "We now realize that we misunderstood Professor Lewy’s 
scholarship, were wrong to assert that he was part of a network 
financed by the Turkish Government, and were wrong to assume that 
any scholar who challenges the Armenian genocide narrative 
necessarily has been financially compromised by the Government of 
Turkey. We hereby retract the assertion that Professor Lewy was or 
is on the Government of Turkey’s payroll."
— Scott Jaschik

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