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----- Original Message ----- From: To: Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 2:05  
AM Subject: UAW health care causes ill will 

The medical insurance reform law is not National Health Care.  Al. 
UAW health care causes ill will Published: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 
By JOSPEH SZCZESNY Of The Oakland Press 
Despite the passage of new health care, the cost of health care benefits  
remains a major issue for the United Auto Workers as its leaders gather for 
the  union's 35th Constitutional Convention in Detroit. 
Meanwhile, the union has endorsed a tentative contract proposal at General  
Motors Nexteer or Saginaw Steering Gear unit that sharply limits the health 
care  coverage for some employees. Under the proposal, Nexteer employees 
are scheduled  to vote on soon, recently hired temporary employees will become 
full-time  workers. 
But in a what critics of the agreement describe as a chilling foretaste of  
what other new employees will face in the future, their health-care 
coverage  will be limited to their own need and will not provide health care 
their  families. 
Dean Parm, an alternate convention delegate from UAW Local 699 in Saginaw,  
which represents Nexteer employees, said he is opposed to the tentative  
agreement because it creates different classes of employees. 
Nexteer’s legacy employees, or employees with long term seniority, will  
continue to get a full-package of health care benefits, while “second-tier”  
employees hired in the past four years when the steering gear unit belonged 
to  Delphi also will continue to get health care for their family. 
“It’s just not right. You would have people working side by side who get  
health care for their families with people who don’t,” he said. “Where are 
their  families supposed to get health care?” The Nexteer complex off I-75 
in Buena  Vista Township now has about 2,100 employees including almost 250 
legacy  employees, 1500 second tier employees and about 350 temporary 
employees, Parm  said. 
Since the UAW contracts have often served as a model for employer-provided  
health-care coverage, the changes embedded in the contract proposal could 
find  their way into other union agreements and into the insurance coverage 
of other  companies around the U.S. 
“This excuse for a union contract shatters solidarity; divides and  
subdivides the membership into multiple tiers and “buckets”; kicks new hires in 
the teeth; cuts wages; worsens working conditions; deprives the families of 
new  hires including current temps of health care; and does “nothing” to 
secure  jobs,” said Gregg Shotwell, the founder of Soldiers of Solidarity and a 
longtime  critic of the UAW’s leadership. 
The proposed Nexteer Contract also calls for workers to accept pay cuts  
averaging about $2 per hour in exchange for “buydowns,” which make up some of 
 the lost income during the term of the proposed agreement, which extends 
until  2015. 
Tom Newberry, Local 699, has said in interview that circulated on the  
Internet the agreement, in addition to making the temporary employees 
 will create about 200 additional job openings. The area around Saginaw and 
Bay  City has been hit hard but auto-related job losses. 
Nexteer became a wholly owned subsidiary of GM last year when Delphi Corp.  
emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy. It has since operated as a standalone 
basis,  suppling GM and about 60 other automobile companies with 
power-steering  components, while GM tries to find a buyer to run the company 
long term. 
GM spokesman Tom Wilkinson said Tuesday GM has not yet found a buyer yet.  
Nevertheless speculation about Nexteer have involved a Chinese company that 
is  looking to expand in the United States. 
Meanwhile, during a debate over a health-care resolution presented to the  
convention, several union members said the US needed a single-payer system,  
which would eliminate the need to bargain with employers for health 
“Every time we go to the bargaining table, health care is an issue,” noted 
 one speaker. 
Companies that offer employee health insurance expect another steep jump in 
 medical costs next year, and more will ask workers to share a bigger chunk 
of  the expense, according to a new PricewaterhouseCoopers report. 
The UAW resolution adopted by the convention said the union, as it as for  
more than 60 years, continues to favor a single-payer, but praised the new  
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. “The new law represents 
real  and significant benefits,” said the resolution, which was adopted  

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