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"The president called on young people to assume a leading role, saying that
the future of the revolution and the country depended on them.

In particular he called on them to be critical and to tackle bureaucracy,
which he said posed the biggest threat to the revolution and pointing to the
example of the bureaucratic degeneration of the Russian revolution."

Tens of Thousands of Students Rally in Support of Chavez in Venezuela.
Published on February 14th 2010, by Kiraz Janicke – Venezuelanalysis.com


Caracas, February 14, 2010 (venezuelanalysis.com) – Tens of thousands of
students rallied in the Venezuelan capital, Caracas in a show of support for
President Hugo Chavez and the Bolivarian revolution and to celebrate the
“Day of Youth” on Friday.

The demonstration occurred just weeks after violent protests by hundreds of
right-wing opposition students in support of private television channel RCTV
made international headlines.

Robert Serra an activist from the youth wing of Chavez’s United Socialist
Party of Venezuela (J-PSUV) said the rally was “a clear demonstration of
where the majority of the youth and student sectors of the country stand.”

Dani Vallés a student councilor from the University of the East said “we are
on the side of the people and we’re not going to let the oligarchy
destabilise Venezuela.”

>From the early hours of the morning thousands of students and young workers
gathered at the National Experimental University of the Armed Forces (UNEFA)
and marched through the opposition controlled wealthy eastern suburbs of
Caracas to the Bolivarian University, where they were met by thousands more
students and activists.

To the sounds of music and chants of “Chavez is here to stay” and
“Expropriation, confiscation, the means of production for the people”,
students danced and marched along the 10 km route arriving around 5pm at the
Miraflores Presidential Palace, where Chavez addressed the crowd.

The president called on young people to assume a leading role, saying that
the future of the revolution and the country depended on them.

In particular he called on them to be critical and to tackle bureaucracy,
which he said posed the biggest threat to the revolution and pointing to the
example of the bureaucratic degeneration of the Russian revolution.

Chavez also welcomed the creation of the new Bicentenary Youth Front, formed
on February 2 to unite all the pro-revolution youth organizations around the
country, including the JPSUV, the Communist Party Youth, and the youth
section of the Homeland for All Party (PPT), as well as other smaller youth
movements and currents.

Referring to the recent opposition student protests, Chavez argued they are
being used by local and U.S. elites to foment a “coloured revolution” and
implement regime change in Venezuela.

The sharp class divisions within Venezuela are reflected in the competing
opposition and pro-revolution student movements within the politically
polarised country.

On the one hand the majority of Venezuela’s elite autonomous and private
universities, which account for approximately 300 000 students, are
dominated by right-wing U.S. backed opposition student groups, from
predominantly upper and middle-class backgrounds

While the experimental universities, the Bolivarian universities and social
missions which together account for around 700 000 students, overwhelmingly
from poorer and working-class backgrounds, are strongly supportive of Chavez
the Bolivarian revolution.

“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is man's original
virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through
disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man Under

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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