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Venezuelan government writes off Haiti's debt
Saturday, February 6, 2010
By: Derek Ford

In brief

During the closing ceremony of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas 
(ALBA) in late January, President Hugo Chávez announced that Venezuela 
will forgive Haiti’s debt.

Referring to the example of the Haitian revolution and the support the 
country provided the independence movement that liberated Venezuela from 
Spanish rule, Chávez stated: “Haiti has no debt with Venezuela. … It is 
Venezuela that has a historic debt with Haiti.”

The International Monetary Fund estimates Haiti’s debt to Venezuela at 
$295 million—almost one-third of Haiti’s international debt. The IMF, 
for its part, has mentioned nothing of cancelling Haiti’s substantial debt.

Since the earthquake, Haiti has received 225,000 barrels of oil through 
Petrocaribe, a regional energy alliance launched by Venezuela intended 
to equalize access to energy. Venezuela has pledged to meet the fuel 
distribution needs of the Haitian people without cost. Additionally, 
during a special meeting of ALBA member-countries allocated $120 million 
to aid in the development of industry, agriculture and vital social 

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