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Vic Chesnutt Struggling to Pay $35,000 Hospital Bill

Posted on Oct 22nd 2009 2:30PM by Benjy Eisen

When the benefit album 'Sweet Relief II: Gravity of the Situation' was 
released in 1996, the compilation did not benefit Vic Chesnutt, although 
it was focused on him. A non-profit series founded by singer-songwriter 
Victoria Williams, Sweet Relief sought to assist ailing musicians in 
need of health care. Chesnutt, a paraplegic, was sympathetic to the 
cause but at the time, he had his own health insurance. 'Sweet Relief 
II' was a compilation of other musicians (including R.E.M., Garbage, 
Smashing Pumpkins and the Indigo Girls) covering Chesnutt's songs to 
raise money for the cause. And, in doing so, it raised Chesnutt's public 

But more than a decade later, Chesnutt could actually use that money 
instead. "Right now, I'm in huge trouble in that the hospital is suing 
me for $35,000, which is terrifying, and the rub is that I have health 
insurance," Chesnutt tells Spinner. "I have hospitalization insurance, 
for which I pay almost $500 a month, and then on top of that I still owe 
the hospital $35,000. That is truly an insane system. I did everything 
right and I'm still under the gun."

Chesnutt says he thinks President Obama's plan "is kind of a joke" 
although he is a big fan of the public option. "We need to target health 
care costs, not just insurance for everyone," says Chesnutt. "Why are 
our health care costs out of control? If [President Obama] had the 
public option, that would not do a thing to bring down health care costs."

In sunnier news, Chesnutt has just released his latest album, 'At the 
Cut,' with a support cast that features Guy Picciotto (Fugazi), members 
of Silver Mt. Zion Orchestra and members of Godspeed You Black Emperor.

As for getting some relief for his health care costs, Chesnutt says that 
he actually did talk to Sweet Relief about his recent situation. "They 
were just like, 'Woah! That's too big of a problem for us -- you're 
going to have to talk to somebody else about that,'" recalls Chesnutt. Ouch.


NY Times, December 26, 2009
Vic Chesnutt, Singer and Songwriter, Dies at 45

Vic Chesnutt, whose darkly comic songs about mortality, vulnerability 
and life’s simple joys made him a favorite of critics and fellow 
musicians, died Friday in a hospital in Athens, Ga., a family spokesman 
said. He was 45 and lived in Athens.

He had been in a coma after taking an overdose of muscle relaxants 
earlier this week, said the spokesman, Jem Cohen.

Mr. Chesnutt had a cracked, small voice but sang with disarming candor 
about a struggle for peace in a life filled with pain. A car crash at 
age 18 left him partly paralyzed, and he performed in a wheelchair.

The accident, he has said, focused him as a songwriter, and it became 
the subject of some of his earliest recordings. “I’m not a victim/Oh, I 
am an atheist,” Mr. Chesnutt sang in “Speed Racer,” from his first 
album, “Little,” produced by Michael Stipe of R.E.M. and released in 1990.

In a recent interview on the public radio show “Fresh Air,” he told 
Terry Gross: “It was only after I broke my neck and even like maybe a 
year later that I really started realizing that I had something to say.”

Although he never had blockbuster record sales, Mr. Chesnutt was a 
prolific songwriter who remained a mainstay on the independent music 
circuit for two decades, making more than 15 albums.

Musicians flocked to work with him: he recorded with the bands Lambchop, 
Widespread Panic and Elf Power, as well as the jazz guitarist Bill 
Frisell, and in a recent burst of creative activity he made two albums 
with a band that included Guy Picciotto of Fugazi and members of the 
Montreal indie-rock group Thee Silver Mt. Zion.

Because of Mr. Chesnutt’s fondness for simple guitar chords — after his 
accident his fingers could no longer form the jazzier ones, he has said 
— his work was often described as a variant of folk-rock. But the sound 
of his albums changed with their revolving collaborators, from stark 
recordings of Mr. Chesnutt alone to finessed full-band arrangements.

The constant in his career was a keen poetic intelligence that could be 
sardonic or unsparingly confessional. “I’m not an optimist/I’m not a 
realist/I might be a sub-realist,” he sang on his 1996 album “About to 

Born in Jacksonville, Fla., on Nov. 12, 1964, James Victor Chesnutt was 
adopted and grew up in Zebulon, Ga.; his grandfather gave him guitar 
lessons, having him transpose “Sweet Georgia Brown” into every key in 
the scale. He was injured in 1983, while driving drunk, he later said, 
and shortly thereafter moved to Athens and became a regular at the 40 
Watt Club, where he was seen by Mr. Stipe.

A documentary, “Speed Racer: Welcome to the World of Vic Chesnutt,” was 
released in 1993, and in 1996 his songs were performed by Madonna, the 
Indigo Girls, Smashing Pumpkins, R.E.M. and others for “Sweet Relief II: 
The Gravity of the Situation,” an album that benefited the Sweet Relief 
Musicians Fund, a nonprofit group that offers musicians medical support.

His survivors include his wife, Tina Whatley Chesnutt; a sister, Lorinda 
Crane; and nine nieces and nephews.

Mr. Chesnutt was an outspoken critic of the health care system, saying 
in his recent interview on “Fresh Air” that operations had left him 
deeply in debt. In his music, he was also frank about his own problems, 
including suicide, which he had attempted several times.

He sings about suicide in “Flirted With You All My Life,” from his 
recent album “At the Cut,” describing death as a lover he must break up 
with because his accomplishments in life are incomplete:

When you touched a friend of mine I thought I would lose my mind

But I found out with time that really, I was not ready, no no, cold death

Oh death, I’m really not ready.

Vic Chesnutt performance:


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