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Tom Cod wrote:
I've bookmarked some of these for further analysis, but I have to say that
> any reference to Trotsky's view of the Ukraine as moral authority in this
> context should be viewed with skepticism as his role there as a leader of
> the Soviet regime was notorious as he played a brutal role there in
> suppressing the Ukrainian insurgent workers and peasants during the period
> of the revolution.  Peter Arshinov's book on the Makho movement in the
> Ukraine, which I picked up in a radical bookstore in the 70s, reproduces
> Trotsky's "War Order No. 1" in which he ordered the dispersal of the
> All-Ukranian Congress of Soviets and the summary execution of its

It's not a bad idea to check other sources for claims by Voline as to events
in the Ukraine between Mahkno and the Bolsheviks.

"[Arshinov and Voline] seriously misrepresent the sequence of events which
led to Makhno’s calamitous abandonment of the Red Army front against Denikin
in May and June 1919, in order to organize and attend a local anarchist
congress in Guliai-Pole. [They] have been followed in this misrepresentation
by many secondary sources. Once a more probable chronology is established,
the received interpretation…becomes notably less convincing. A likely
alternative is that Makhno did in fact desert his post with his forces, as
the Bolsheviks claimed at the time. This is much more than a mere detail.
Anarchist claims for Makhno-as-victim of Soviet treachery have been
ideologically important at various junctures, such as the French student
revolt of 1968, and have relied heavily on this kind of ambiguity.1"

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