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"When we lived in Pittsburgh in the 1990s, my mother came to visit for a few 
days.  She always wanted to see the Henry Clay Frick mansion, so we drove to 
Wilkinsburg, just outside the Pittsburgh city limits, to see it.  Frick was the 
chief lieutenant of Andrew Carnegie and the architect of Carnegie Steel’s 
efforts to dislodge the union of skilled ironworkers from its mills.  This led 
to the Homestead Steel Strike in 1892, one of the most famous working class 
struggles in U.S. labor history.  Frick and Carnegie later parted company and 
feuded the rest of their lives. Frick abandoned his Pittsburgh home (though his 
daughter lived their until her death) and built a much grander residence in 
Manhattan.  He said that the smoke from the mills in Pittsburgh was damaging 
his paintings. . . .

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