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Full at http://blog.cheapmotelsandahotplate.org/2010/05/23/the-i-and-the-we/
"We have been nearly fifty days in California. It is a state of geographical 
extremes: the deserts, the Sierras, the long ocean coast, and the central 
valleys. It is a great agricultural state, and every visitor ought to travel 
through the San Joaquin, Imperial, or Sacramento Valleys to see the sources of 
the food we eat. Go during a harvest and watch the brown-skinned men, women, 
and children pick our crops, the people we fear and hate but without whom we 
wouldn’t have such cheap food or any at all. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, rice, 
milk, meat. It is all here in great abundance, and it is all produced from 
start to finish by the brown-skinned people. Cheap labor and subsidized capital 
are the basis of agriculture and most other businesses, and those that own the 
land and every other bit of capital aim to keep that labor cheap and those 
subsidies intact."
michael yates                                     
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