On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, George Pennefather wrote:
> Kim
> Who is the ISO
> Warm regards
> George Pennefather     

The International Socialist Organisation (ISO), also known sometimes by
their papers name Socialist Worker(s) are a grouping with leanings towards
the Trotskyist tradition.  They are an off shoot from Socialist Workers
Party in Britian were set in Australia around the late 1970's 
(I think).  They have a number of branches in Australia, with their
main bases being Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

One of their prime influences is Tony Cliffe from the SWP.
In the late 1980's or possibly early 1990s (sorry about the haziness of
the dates) the Australian group split into two when a group of their
tendency were expelled.  This group formed Socialist Alternative, which is
primarily based in Melbourne.

My main understanding of the ISO is that they do not adhere to the idea of
a party programme, view the Soviet Union and Cuba as state capitalist (ie
that the state has taken on the role previously held by the bourgeois to
conduct a capitalist economy- ie. state run capitalism).  They also tend
to see social movements such as the women's liberation movement as a
distraction from the workers movement - ie. that the women's movements
should not be organised independently of the workers movement.

Kim B 
>      --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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