Dave B writes:

>So Burford smears  all Serbs with ultrapatriotism and holds them
>all accountable for ethnic cleansing. He then magnifies ethnic
>cleasing and calls it genocide and fascism. This is to demean real
>genocide and fascism, both of which are the product of imperialism,
>not tiny isolated and beleaguered states like Yugoslavia. And its
>purpose is to say that democratic imperialism is the only progressive
>way out in Kosovo.

Yes, dave hits the nail firmly on the ehad here. Democratic Imperialism indeed!

I too am troubled by Chris's bandying around of terms such as 'fascism',
'ethnic cleansing' and when he adds to this the claim that what is
happening in Kosovo is on par with the Holocaust he positions himself
firmly in the middle of the bourgeoisie's attempts to normalise the Final
Solution. It's interesting to note  that denuded of the Red Threat, the
bourgois thinkers continually hark back to the the thirties and WW2. When
the imperialist powers hold temporarily themselves back from bombing a
small state back into the middle ages, it's called 'appeasement', ie the
argument being that Iraq, Serbia, Lybia Panama, Somalia etc etc are the New
Third Reich and they too must not be appeased, or they'll have invaded
Poland be in Paris before we know it! And 'fascist' too- this word has been
so misused as to be debased, a near worthless coin that buys cheap
damnation of any  party deemed worthy of a western missile. Chris claims he
likes precision, so precisely how are the Serbs fascists?
And so as to the Holocaust- in what way can the systematic mechanised
attempt by the Nazis to kill every single Jew on the face of the earth be
equated with a civil war? No matter how bloody, such wars pale into
comparison when put against the factories of death. No Chris, this ain't
genocide, this is not the Holocaust returning- but if return it does, it
will be at the hands of those firing the cruise missiles.


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