Here below, the IMF is acting as testamentary executor for the financial
crash of 1997-8. Some sort of political adjustment is essential. 

The IMF particularly has to shore up its credibility in Asia.

The implications of this are the increasing importance of the 2 billion
members of the emerging global "middle class", on whom Clinton bases his
strategic hopes.

Chris Burford



The IMF will secure broader support for its programs from various sectors
of society to make them more effective and successful, AFP reports an IMF
official said yesterday. "Clearly, we think that programs work better and
quicker if there is this broader sense of ownership," IMF External
Relations Director Thomas Dawson said in Singapore. "When a budget is drawn
up, and targets are agreed to, an assessment has to be made as to its

This is why "Fund missions do regularly meet with elements in the
opposition, with elements in civil society, labor unions in particular
to...make a judgment of what is doable and achievable," he added, citing
the success of the IMF's program in South Korea, where there was leadership
and willingness to support financial restructuring. Dawson said his trip
through Japan and Singapore were among a series of visits by IMF officials
to gain feedback on the Fund's programs, including from the media,
opposition groups, and labor unions.


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