Here's a statement by the Labour Party of Pakistan, giving the causes and
the probable effects of the coup and declaring the interests of the working
class in these events. The LPP is a revolutionary Trotskyist party close to
the LIT.




Labour Party Pakistan asks army to go back-Demands workers interim government
Lahore, Press Release

The Labour Party Pakistan (LPP) while strongly opposing the army coup has
demanded of the army to go back to the barracks. LPP has further demanded
to set up a workers interim government to hold fresh elections for a new
legislative assembly.
An emergency meeting of the LPP national Executive Committee held at Lahore
took stock of latest political situation and its impacts on working class.
The Executive Committee issued the following statement after the meeting.
The army coup mirrors the deep-rooted economic crisis that has exposed the
internal contradictions and infighting of the Pakistan ruling class.
Through General Pervaiz Mussaraf retirement, Nawaz Sharif, exPrime
Minister, wanted to strengthen his dictatorial power while army through its
coup has proved itself as the ruler of the country. Nawaz attempt at
grabbing power was deplorable while army coup is even more deplorable
rather unacceptable. We strongly condemn the army coup.
The new government set up even if it is a civil set up, will be nothing but
a puppet in the army hands. The military may also tend to continue but it
depends on deal with IMF and World Bank. The coup was against the planning
of US imperialism but US and army will compromise.
The new government will use accountability as a pretext to continue but its
accountability will be nothing but eyewash. The new government will not be
able to recover loans from defaulters. On the other hand,masses will be
taxed even more in a futile bid to overcome economic crisis.
The lack of protest against the coup proves the utter impopularity of the
Nawaz regime. The Nawaz government was unpopular because of its economic
policies and the new set up will get unpopular like the previous Nawaz
government, as the new government will have to carry out the same economic
The army coup will sharpen the national question in all the three smaller
provinces. If army resort to dictatorial steps, it will further aggravate
the situation in small provinces.
Masses might feel a relief in army coup but soon they will be
disillusioned. The trade union movement, working class as a whole,
peasants, free press and political parties will suffer at the lost of
democratic rights.
The class struggle will suffer most of all. Now the working class will have
to fight back for democratic rights, in addition to their genuine rights
and demands.
The LPP demands
1- Army should return to barracks immediately
2- An interim workers peasant's government is set up to hold the ruling
class accountable.
3- This workers peasant interim governmentshould hold elections for a new
legislative assembly
4- Democratic rights be restored forthwith
5- No ban should be imposed on meetings,demos, and processions under
section 144.

LPP vows to mobilize the working class and peasants to press for these
demands. It will launch a campaign for the restoration of democratic rights
and it will not accept any attempt by the military to impose martial law.

     --- from list [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---

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