A radical socialist regime would be possible if there is a radical plan to
control the external balance of payments so that the country is not
dependent on trickles of credit from the IMF keeping the channel open for
the further haemorrhage of funds.

The financial objective must be to permit the reassertion of living labour
over dead labour, with an internal currency system that can circulate in a
way superior to barter, and can be insulated from foreign exchange

Certainly there are grave disadvantages to most solutions but one of the
things the Ukraine could learn from Lenin is how he borrowed Keynes's idea
of a currency board backed by gold. Nowdays Euro's would suffice. 

Grounds rents to the state could provide a source of income that would not
inhibit a mixed economy subject to social control.

At 10:08 19/10/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Ukraine top communist pledges socialism after poll
>09:54 a.m. Oct 18, 1999 Eastern
>By Pavel Polityuk
>PERVOMAISK, Ukraine, Oct 18 (Reuters) - Ukraine's communist leader Petro
Symonenko, a major rival to President Leonid Kuchma seeking re-election on
October 31, has a dream -- to restore socialism with a dictatorship of the

Chris Burford


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