>Dave B wrote:
>> He then magnifies ethnic
>> cleasing and calls it genocide and fascism. This is to demean real
>> genocide and fascism, both of which are the product of imperialism,
>> not tiny isolated and beleaguered states like Yugoslavia.
>Are you really suggesting that genocide and fascism can not take place
>within "tiny isolated and beleaguered states"?

Is Serbia fascist and is it conducting genocidal policies- i.e. the
systemetic policy to exterminate a race?
I'm under no illusions about Serbia and as in any civil war I'm certain
that all sorts of atrocities are being committed, but has any hard evidence
ever been produced that Serbia was running death camps, or rape camps for
that matter?

>(this might be important for how we interpret the possibility of change in
>some former parts of the USSR which are now "tiny" and "isolated" ...).
>btw, in what sense is Yugoslavia "tiny" and "isolated"?

Isolated in the senses that Nato can bomb the hell out of it and no other
nation can/will come to its aid. Tiny in the sense that its population is
10 mill- a little bit larger than London's but a damn sight poorer.


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