Charlie wrote..

>I agree with Rob that NATO and the U.S. are the fascist danger in this war. The U.S. 
>neo-colonial empire is built in part of many fascist governments that are fully 
>fascist because of their connection to the reactionary sector or military industrial 
>complex of transnational finance capital. The U.S. military has established or 
>fostered numerous brutal regimes or terrorist gangs around the world for decades -  
>in Korea, Indonesia, Dominican Republic, Chile, Panama, Iraq,, just to name a few. 
>One of its neo-colonial modus operandi is to work through comprador fascisms. The 
>U.S. in the Balkans is Big Daddy of fascisms about to lay another one on them. 

Me too.. And to talk about a "national question" under present circumstances is just 
ridiculous. The national question in this case becomes subordinate to the whole war 
and agression by NATO imperialism..

Another interesting thing is the recent German iniative to create and all European 
occupation force of Kosovo. So the united facade of imperialism is beginning to split 
at the seams..

Warm regards
Bob Malecki

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