FWD from 'Roni Ben Efrat' <o...@netvision.net.il>

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Abu Mazen shuffles the deck
by Yacov Ben Efrat

For one short moment, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has 
managed to bring everyone together – not merely reconciling Fatah and Hamas, 
but completely uniting the Israeli government which, many thought, was on the 
verge of collapse. People still remember Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman 
saying he’d prefer new elections over the release of Arab-Israeli prisoners, 
and Economics Minister Naftali Bennett threatening that his party, Habayit 
Hayehudi, would leave the coalition if any of these were freed. Day and night 
the teams negotiated – Tzipi Livni, Saeb Erekat and US mediator Martin Indyk – 
seeking the magic formula which would enable the talks to continue and ensure 
the government coalition’s unity. Commentators regurgitated the official line 
that this was impossible, because Abu Mazen was not only insisting on the 
release of all prisoners as promised, including Israeli Arabs, but also added 
two new conditions: talks on the future borders and a three-month freeze on 
settlement construction. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s response was 
immediate: “Abu Mazen doesn’t want peace!” For Full Article

Credit to Yacov Ben Efrat Challenge online http://www.challenge-mag.com/

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