American economists have an implied or crypto theory of centralized
planning by all the debate on federal government fiscal and monetary
policies that are best for "the" economy. The whole nine yards of
arguments about Keynesian stimulus, the federal budget, the federal
debt and deficit, quantitative easing, trickle down, etc, etc, imply
that actions by the _central_ government are critical in performance
of the whole economy.  These are de facto debates about planning the
whole economy.  It renders hypocritical all the criticism of Soviet
centralized planning by Hayek and everybody else.  It is a tacit
admission that this is not a "free" market economy. Of course, this
planning is crude, indirect and much less rational than the much more
direct, honest and open planning policy of the Soviet Union.
References to "the":economy, rife in the media, are references from a
"central" viewpoint, or references to the _whole_ economy.   This is
an example of proto-socialist institutions or practices arising within
a capitalist system like socialized medicine in Britain, France and
Canada.  In resolving the general crisis of capitalism, capitalists
resort to proto-capitalist rationalizations of the system. This is an
uneven process of course. For example , privatization, which is rife
under so-called neo-liberalism, reverses to some extent
proto-socialist institutions such as public works enterprises in
government run water and sewerage departments, garbage pickup or
public transportation; although the continuing government monopoly
retains some of the socialistic or centralized character of the

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