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For reprint: Credit: Yacov Ben Efrat - Challenge Online Magazine <> 

What’s left on the Palestinian side of the Separation Barrier?
by Yacov Ben Efrat

In March, after Bibi Netanyahu forms Israel’s new government, U.S. President 
Barack Obama intends to arrive for a first historic visit to Israel and the 
Palestinian Authority. Obama wants to talk with the Israeli people, but has 
nothing of note to tell them. First on the American president’s crowded agenda 
will be Iran, and then Syria. Last will be the Palestinian issue, concerning 
which he has no new initiative.

That Obama is distancing himself from the Palestinian question is unsurprising. 
He has already crashed and burned on that one, when he named George Mitchell 
his special envoy, in vain. In response to Obama’s demand, Netanyahu did freeze 
settlement construction for ten months, but then he renewed it with greater 
vigor. Meantime another term in office has passed, both in Israel and in the 
United States, without even the semblance of an Israeli-Palestinian political 
process, and four more arid years lie ahead. Netanyahu committed himself to the 
principle of two states, but his actions belied it – the settlements expanded 
and the would-be Palestinian state continued to shrink.

Economically bankrupt

On the Palestinian side of the Separation Barrier, senior members of the 
Palestinian Authority (PA) are running around as if trapped in a maze, looking 
for any way out. Whether in the West Bank areas under PA control, or in Gaza 
under Hamas, a catastrophe is unfolding, in the fullest sense of the word. Yet 
this subject is absent from Israeli public discourse. Periodically we hear 
about what goes on in the West Bank, the account buried on an inside page of 
the newspaper, when some young Palestinian man or woman is killed by IDF fire 
under murky circumstances and an investigation is opened into the matter. The 
issue at the top of today's agenda is “equal sharing of the burden” by the 
Ultraorthodox in Israel's military and economy; no one is interested in “the 
conflict.” The Israeli middle class has wearied of funding the Ultraorthodox, 
and people are pleased to see Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid joining forces to 
make life easier.

Doubtless it will not be long until the unrest in the West Bank becomes 
palpable to the Israeli public on its side of the wall. The economic situation 
is bad. The PA is not paying salaries because its coffers are empty; since it 
employs 16% of the Palestinian workforce, the entire local economy is 
paralyzed. A Palestinian teacher earns NIS 3000 a month, and a laborer not more 
than NIS 87 a day. (Compare that to Israel’s minimum wage of NIS 182 per day.) 
According to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, unemployment stands 
at 20%, reaching 34% among young people aged 15–25. What we’ve got is an active 
volcano, with the lava boiling over. Rather than do anything, Israeli leaders 
apparently prefer to hope that the lava won’t flow past the Separation Barrier.

What is causing the economic crisis in the West Bank? The EU and the Arab 
countries provide billions to the Palestinian Authority, hoping that the 
conflict will be resolved and the Palestinian State achieve economic 
independence. This arrangement has been around for 22 years now, and instead of 
serving the Palestinian people, it serves the Israeli occupation, which uses 
the time to expand the settlements. The Europeans respond to the stalemate by 
delaying grants and preparing a blacklist of settlement exports. The goal is to 
force the Israeli government to stop investing in the settlements and start 
resolving the conflict.

Israel for its part “punishes” the Palestinian Authority, holding up payments 
of tax money it has collected at customs points on imported goods entering PA 
territory. This further empties the already strained Palestinian treasury. One 
of the absurd outcomes of this mode of economic punishment concerns the supply 
of electricity to the PA, still provided by the Israel Electric Company (IEC). 
Without work and salaries, residents of the territories cannot pay their 
electric bills to the PA, so its debt to the IEC keeps growing. The Israeli 
government pays what the PA owes to the IEC and recoups those funds from the 
tax money the government is supposed to transfer to the PA. Thus the 
Palestinian economy is stuck, with no way out of these vicious cycles of the 

Abu Mazen and Hamas, politically bankrupt

Given this warped reality, Abu Mazen has struck out in every direction. First, 
he turned to the UN General Assembly seeking recognition of Palestine as an 
observer state. This was granted but, in the event, it only made things worse. 
As punishment for his UN initiative, the US Congress decided to delay financial 
aid to the PA. Once again, it became clear that the PA is totally dependent on 
Israel. Abu Mazen learned the hard way that declaring a state isn’t enough; one 
must also establish it – and without territory, without money and without an 
economy, the prospects for a sustainable regime are nil. Abu
Mazen’s UN initiative turned out to be no more than a political exercise, 
intended to show Palestinians that the PA is not sitting and twiddling its 

Meanwhile, Abu Mazen also turned to Hamas. This move was intended to display a 
united front and undermine Israel’s claim that, because of a rift between the 
PA and Hamas, it has no partner for peace. On February 8, Abu Mazen met with 
Khaled Mashal in Cairo, and they made the heads of all the Palestinian factions 
come along to Cairo too — to draw up a memorandum of understanding to end the 
divisions. At the conclusion of the talks they parted friends. No agreement 
resulted, however, and it’s doubtful one ever will.

Hamas rules Gaza with an iron fist and is not interested in new elections. 
Hamas fears, not without justification, that if it were to win the elections, 
neither Fatah nor the rest of the world would recognize the outcome. On the 
other hand, if Fatah were to win, Hamas would lose control of Gaza. Thus 
elections are not an option now, and without elections there is no way to 
overcome the internal Palestinian split.

The split arises from an absence of strategy about the way to establish a 
Palestinian state. On the one hand, after 22 years of futile talks, clearly the 
path of negotiation has been exhausted. On the other hand, the armed struggle 
by Hamas has also been exhausted, given that in the wake of Israel's recent 
"Operation Pillar of Defense," aka "Pillar of Cloud," the Hamas government 
reached an agreement with Israel. The agreement included three points: an end 
to targeted assassinations by Israel, an easing of Israel's blockade on Gaza, 
and an end to Gazan attacks on Israel.

This arrangement gives Hamas breathing room but it doesn’t solve the real 
problem: the continuing Occupation. Egyptian President Muhammad Morsi promised 
Obama to insure quiet in Gaza, in return for financial aid. But in order to 
enforce quiet, he needs conciliation between Fatah and Hamas, and as long as 
that is impossible, Gaza will continue to bleed.

To reach economic stability, Gaza must be liberated from dependence on Israel 
and have an open crossing between Rafah and Egypt. Control of the Rafah 
crossing, however, is mired in disagreement. Egypt made a commitment to the 
international community that the crossing into its territory would be under PA 
control with Israeli supervision. Hamas of course refuses to let Abu Mazen set 
foot in Gaza. Hence, without the presence of Abu Mazen, Egypt cannot open the 
Rafah crossing, and Gaza remains tied to the Israeli umbilical cord.

In despair, the Egyptians decided to flood the tunnels connecting Sinai and 
Gaza, to send a message to the Hamas leadership that they must be more flexible 
toward Fatah. Abu Mazen, for his part, began arresting Hamas members in the 
West Bank. This led Mousa Abu Marzook, Deputy Chief of the Hamas political 
bureau, to complain that the arrests are damaging Palestinian reconciliation 
and constitute proof that elections cannot be held (Al Hayat, February 14).

What Obama will discover on his visit

When Obama reaches PA territory, he will see that his policy of appeasing the 
Israeli right has nearly killed the PA. Perhaps he understands that his policy 
of appeasing the Mubarak regime in Egypt and Ben Ali in Tunisia eventually led 
to the Arab Spring. This script may be repeated in the PA territories: when the 
young people, the university graduates, do not find work, they will take to the 
streets in protest, and their anger will be directed above all at the PA, which 
is directly responsible for their situation. At the end of the day, it is the 
PA that is late in paying salaries, that is not creating jobs, and that cannot 
persuade Israel to negotiate.

One may reasonably assume that Obama also knows what the entire world knows: 
the new Israeli consensus, encompassing all the Zionist parties, accepts the 
doctrine formulated by Avigdor Lieberman, holding that the conflict cannot be 
resolved. What’s left, then, is to manage the conflict through negotiations, 
the declared goal of which is the establishment of a Palestinian state within 
temporary borders. Having already experienced the Oslo accords, the 
Palestinians have already seen how the temporary becomes permanent, and there 
is no way they will accept this.

Obama is going to miss another chance to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian 
conflict. Anyone surprised by this ought to remember that we have here the same 
Obama who missed a historic chance to repair American society, when he caved in 
repeatedly to the extreme right.

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