I'd say there is morality or ethics of equality of all human beings
implied in historical materialism or the theory underpinning _The
Manifesto of the Communist Party_ . Because class struggle resistance
to exploitation and oppression by the exploited and oppressed classes
is trans-historical, in all historical epochs and modes of production;
and therefore must not be historically determined but part of human
nature. If in every historical instance of class exploitation and
oppression there arises class struggle resistance , the urge to resist
must be naturally instinctive , in our genes,not learned. Nature, not
nurture. For what ruling class would allow an education and
enculturation system that instilled a spirit of resistance and class
struggle in the masses of the working classes ? So, the struggle to be
equal to the rich in history as a history of class struggles is a
human natural and ,therefore natural moral law by inference from its
empirical universality.


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