> http://mercury.soas.ac.uk/hm/conference2007.htm
> Historical Materialism Conference 2007: SOAS, 9-11 November
> Online Registration Now Available, Full Programme Available Soon
> The fourth annual Historical Materialism Conference held in 
> conjunction with the Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Prize Committee and 
> the Socialist Register will take place between 9-11 November, 2007 at 
> the School of Oriental and African Studies, London.
> The conference continues its interdisciplinary thread and allows the 
> participants to choose among a wide range of parallel workshops from 
> different disciplines and topics which include, among others:
> Labour (Comparative Case Studies of Working Class and Trade Unions, 
> Theorerical Debates on Mobilisation and Labour Process Theories, Rural 
> Labour Relations, Social Movements)
> History (Russian Revolution, Spanish Revolution, Absolutism and 
> Bourgeois State, Pre-capitalist Modes of Production)
> Political Economy (Finance and Capital, Value Theory and Capital, 
> Grundrisse Anniversary, Contemporary Capitalism, Borders and Political 
> Economy of Development, Africa and Dispossession, World Economy, 
> Neoliberalism and Resistance, Commodity Chains)
> Philosophy (Materialism and Philosophy, Modalities of Political Power, 
> Althusser, Re-reading Gramsci)
> Culture (Marxism, Art and Institutions, Critical Film Studies, Debord 
> and Society of Spectacle, Ideology and Utopia, Art and Politics)
> International Relations (Defining the International, Geopolitics, IR 
> and Gramsci, Israel-Palestine)
> Marxism and.... (Marxism and Postcolonialism, Marxism and Law, Marxism 
> and Psychoanalysis, Marxism, Class and Education)
> We are also delighted to host panels sponsored by Journal of Agrarian 
> Change, Revolutionary History and International Initiative for the 
> Promotion of Political Economy. Socialist Register and Historical 
> Materialism will also sponsor two plenaries on “Islam and the American 
> Empire” and on “Neoliberalism and Neo-imperialism” respectively.
> A special room will be devoted to selected film screenings which will 
> take place during three days of the conference.
> Confirmed speakers include:
> Bashir Abu-Manneh, Gilbert Achcar, Christine Achinger, Edward Acton, 
> Aijaz Ahmad, Brian Alleyne, Sabah Alnasseri, Christopher J. Arthur, 
> Sam Ashman, Maurizio Atzeni, Sedat Aybar, Sarah Badcock, Giorgio 
> Barratta, Luca Basso, Asef Bayat, Jonathan Beller, Riccardo 
> Bellofiore, Ana Cecilia Bergene, Henry Bernstein, Rakesh Bhandari, 
> Andreas Bieler, Sophie Béroud, Jacques Bidet, Robin Blackburn, Chris 
> Bolsmann, Paola Bonifazio, Derek Boothman, Atilio Boron, Mark Bould, 
> Stephen Bouquin, Robert Brenner, Andrew Brown, Tom Bunyard, Ray Bush, 
> Alex Callinicos, Paul Cammack, Liam Campling, Gavin Capps, Giuseppe 
> Caruso, John Chalcraft, Lorenzo Chiesa, Andrew Chitty, Simon Clarke, 
> Alex Colas, Gareth Dale, Neil Davidson, Gail Day, Tim Dayton, Massimo 
> de Angelis, Radhika Desai, Ana Dinerstein, Paolo dos Santos, Antoni 
> Domenech, Albert Domingo, Fernando Duran, Andy Durgan, Steve Edwards, 
> Tony Elger, Gregory Elliott, Ferdan Ergut, Mauro Farnesi, Ben Fine, 
> Donald Filtzer, Roberto Fineschi, Carl Freedman, Alan Freeman, Gregor 
> Gall, Heide Gerstenberger, Melanie Gilligan, Andrew Glyn, Hugh 
> Goodacre, Jonathan Goodhand, Jamie Gough, Peter Gowan, Volker Gransow, 
> Diego Guerrero, Peter Hallward, Jane Hardy, Chris Harman, Graham 
> Harrison, Barbara Harriss-White, David Harvie, Owen Hatherley, Mike 
> Haynes, Micheal Head, Michael Heinrich, Renate Holub, Richard Hyman, 
> Makoto Itoh, Peter Ives, Donna Jones, Patrick Keiller, John Kelly, 
> Mick Kennedy, Laleh Khalili, Jim Kincaid, Jeff Kinkle, Gal Kirn, 
> Sharon Kivland, Sam Knafo, Onur Suzan Komurcu, Michael Kraetke, John 
> Kraniauskas, Hannes Lacher, Rocco Lacorte, Mark Laffey, Spiros 
> Lapatsioras, Costas Lapavitsas, Ching Kwan Lee, Esther Leslie, Norman 
> Levine, William Lewis, Renzo Llorente, Dic Lo, Domenico Losurdo, David 
> Mandel, Giacomo Marramao, David McNally, George Meramveliotakis, 
> Alessandra Mezzadri, Keir Milburn, John Milios, Owen Miller, Toby 
> Miller, Dimitris Milonakis, Kim Moody, Fred Moseley, Rastko Mocnik, 
> Simon Mohun, Adam Morton, Kevin Murphy, Mike Neary, Michael Neocosmos, 
> Paolo Novak, Benjamin Noys, Carlos Oya, Bryan Palmer, Silke Panse, 
> Ilan Pappé, Simon Pirani, Anna Pollert, Moishe Postone, Nina Power, 
> Ozren Pupovac, Devi Sacchetto, Mõkkel Bol Rasmussen, Mike Richards, 
> Glenn Rikowski, Spyros Sakellaropoulos, Jyoti Saraswati, Hajime Sato, 
> Ben Selwyn, Helena Sheehan, Stuart Shields, Subir Sinha, Bev Skeggs, 
> John Smith, Tony Smith, Panagiotis Sotiris, Gaspar Tamas, Benno 
> Teschke, Adrien Thomas, Peter Thomas, Massimilano Tomba, Alberto 
> Toscano, Greg Tuck, Vanessa Ushie,Kees van der Pijl, Elisa van 
> Waeyenberge, Fabio Vighi, Mike Wayne, Tunde Zack Williams, Paul 
> Willis, Jane Wills, Frieder Otto Wolf, Tony Wood, Owen Worth, Leo 
> Zelig, Slavoj Zizek.
> The conference has become an important event on the Left, providing an 
> annual forum to discuss recent developments on the agenda of 
> historical materialist research by scholars, researchers, students and 
> activists from different continents.
> Online registration is now available. Prices are suggested donations 
> but as the conference receives no other funding we encourage all - 
> including paper givers - to register NOW.
> We are unable to provide accomodation but for all accommodation tips 
> and other details, please visit:
> http://mercury.soas.ac.uk/hm/conference2007.htm
> The Editors
The Editors
Historical Materialism
Faculty of Law and Social Sciences
SOAS, University of London
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square
London WC1H 0XG,
United Kingdom


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