Reported on Louis Proyect's Marxmail.
From: Monica Velazco
To: Louis R Godena
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 8:43 PM

I though I let you all know that today, by unanimous decision, the 
Peruvian High Court (Sala Penal Nacional) threw out the last case 
against me.

This is a 9 nil victory against the persecution initiated by the 
Peruvian state under Fujimori against me for reason of my ideas.

I have a lot to thank you all for your unflinching solidarity in 
defending the values of real and complete democracy.

I was originally charged with 9 offenses, carrying the maximum penalty 
of life imprisonment. I had until today's verdict won already 8, but if 
I had won 8-1 against the Peruvian state, I would have still been 
condemned to 25 years in jail. However, I have now won a clean slate, 
having in fact to win twice on this one particular charge, which really 
should count as a ten nil victory. Still remains the Supreme Court's 
necessary seal of approval to the High Court's verdict, but that is 
basically a formality, although it may be necessary to put some pressure 
at some time for them to act in a reasonable time, because in Peru they 
may sit on these things until kingdom come, and this international 
kidnapping has already gone on for far too long. So, please keep this in 
mind and don't forget I am still in need of your international

Thanks again for your interest and support in my case, and I remain

Adolfo Olaechea

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